Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt

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Can only pair via specific routers #8803

Closed nickw444 closed 2 years ago

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

What happened

Can only pair end devices via specific routers on the network

What did you expect to happen

Can pair end devices via any routers on the network

How to reproduce it (minimal and precise)

  1. Pair a number of router devices (>5 routers) to the network.
  2. For each router, enable pairing for it only, attempt to pair an end device.
  3. For some routers, pairing will not take place, even with multiple attempts. For other routers pairing works almost immediately.

Debug info

Zigbee2MQTT version: 1.21.1-1 (commit: unknown) in hassio supervisor, running on Rpi4 4GB Adapter hardware: CC1352P-2 (based on RF-Star CC2652P2) Adapter firmware version: zStack3x0, 20210708

Further details

Initially I found https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/7762; which I believed was the root cause of my problem. I had an older network originally running from a CC2530 based coordinator.

However, I have completely nuked my existing network, including re-flashing my CC2652P2 stick, nuking all z2m data (including coordinator backup), and re-paired all existing devices multiple times and still appear to have this same issue.

It does not appear to matter what channel, Pan ID, or network key is used.

I tried reproducing initially on a smaller test network (2 repeaters - 1x Tradfri repeater, 1x DIY CC2530, 2 end devices, CC2652P2 based coordinator), but couldn't reproduce the problem in this configuration.

Instead have needed to re-create my entire production network (including repairing some annoying to access end devices). The issue seems to present itself as the network gains complexity. After adding 5 router devices, it appears to become a problem. End devices will only pair through certain routers. You can see this in the map:


I did some further digging this weekend using a CC2531 with sniffer firmware + wireshark. I have captured the following traces:


(yes I know I've exposed my network key, I will roll it when/if this reaches a resolution)

To explain these traces, there are 5 routers on the network;

IEEE Address Network Address Model Nickname
0xec1bbdfffe9cf5a2 0xE63A IKEA LED1732G11 Nicks Bedside
0x588e81fffe021892 0x6CFA IKEA E1746 Living Room Repeater
0x588e81fffe0205b1 0x049F IKEA E1746 Lounge Repeater
0x00124b001fc64014 0xF82B Custom devices (DiY) CC2530.ROUTER Living Room Noise Repeater
0x00124b000add55c6 0xE671 Custom devices (DiY) CC2530.ROUTER Study Repeater


Attempt to join "Bathroom Motion" (0x00158d00063372bf (0x5FB2)) via "Study Repeater" (0x00124b000add55c6 (0xE671)).

Successfully joins via "Lounge Repeater" (0x588e81fffe0205b1 (0x049F))


Attempt to join "Bathroom Door" (0x00158d000451d91a (0x8DFC)) via "Study Repeater" (0x00124b000add55c6 (0xE671)).

Attempt to join via "Lounge Repeater" (0x588e81fffe0205b1 (0x049F))

Successfully joins via "Nicks Bedside" (0xec1bbdfffe9cf5a2 (0xE63A))


Attempt to join "Front Door Button" (0x00158d00045075e9 (0xFD40)) via "Living Room Noise Repeater" (0x00124b001fc64014 (0xF82B))

Attempt to join via "Living Room Repeater" (0x588e81fffe021892 (0x6CFA))

Successfully joins via "Lounge Repeater" (0x588e81fffe0205b1 (0x049F))


Attempt to join "Lemon Tree" (0x00124b000611b998 (0x997B)) via "Nicks Bedside" (0xec1bbdfffe9cf5a2 (0xE63A))

Successfully joins via "Lounge Repeater" (0x588e81fffe0205b1 (0x049F))

failed-join-living room-button-via-living-room-bedside-lounge.pcapng

Attempt to join "Living Room Button" (0x00158d00028f5873 (0x3B45)) via "Living Room Repeater" (0x588e81fffe021892 (0x6CFA)).

Attempt to join via "Nicks Bedside" (0xec1bbdfffe9cf5a2 (0xE63A))

Successfully joins via "Lounge Repeater" (0x588e81fffe0205b1 (0x049F))


Attempt to join "Living Room Motion" (0x00158d000421a072 (0x5B83)) via many different repeaters. Finally succeeds via "Nicks Bedside" (0xec1bbdfffe9cf5a2 (0xE63A))

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the well detailed problem description and sniffs!

I can provide a firmware with additional debug logging, I've checked failed-join-bathroom-motion-via-study-lounge.pcapng and I see the problem is on the coordinator side since the Update device is not followed up by a Transport Key. But before doing this, can you confirm that you did NOT reflash your coordinator after repairing all devices?

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

But before doing this, can you confirm that you did NOT reflash your coordinator after repairing all devices?

Yep the coordinator was reflashed first along with nuking the z2m data directory and setting up with a new Pan ID and network key; then I began re-pairing all devices onto this new network.

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

Can you provide the herdsman debug logging when trying to pair a device through a router fails?

I assumed you are currently running CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20210708.zip, if not don't flash this fw.


nickw444 commented 2 years ago

Hey Koen, I flashed the debug firmware to my stick, enabled debug and had a crack re-pairing one of my devices (0x00158d000421a072 (0x2582)) via one of the problematic routers;

Interestingly no debug messages appear from the coordinator when attempting pairing through the malfunctioning router in any of the captures below. Pairing via a working router appears to work/show debug messages.

You'll see these in the attached zip file, which contains the pcap and the log from z2m (including herdsman debug log)

The two devices I've been playing with have the following IEEE addresses:

Capture + Log 1


Capture + Log 2

In this capture, I tried pairing via a few different routers, until the last succeeded


Capture + Log 3


This one is probably the most interesting of the lot;

FWIW, all routers are very close to one another for this test; 0x00124b001fc64014 is 4m away from 0x588e81fffe0205b1, and both of those are about 5m away from the coordinator.

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

@nickw444 what does z2m-debug-1.zip contain? I need a log when pairing fails (and no other attempts in it ) (asking because I see some debug logging in it, e.g. line #1202)

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

All of those contain both the debug log from the z2m container (supervised in hassio) as well as a corresponding packet dump. (followed the steps here under the Home Assistant OS/Supervised addon heading)

As mentioned above, no debug messages appear from the coordinator when attempting pairing through the malfunctioning router, which I imagine is what you're seeing here - a lack of debug messages. I experienced this for all of the captures above, only pairing via a functioning router appeared to show logging/debug messages from herdsman.

I see some debug logging in it

I enabled the debug for z2m as well, I can turn this off if it helps?

Snippet from my z2m hass supervised config:

  log_level: debug
zigbee_herdsman_debug: true
Koenkk commented 2 years ago

@nickw444 but what did you try in "Capture + Log 1", you explained it for the others but not for "Capture + Log 1", (e.g. for "Capture + Log 2"):

In this capture, I tried pairing via a few different routers, until the last succeeded

What I need is a capture + log which only contains a failing attempt to pair a device via a router. (to prevent log pollution)

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

Apologies, I think I misinterpreted your first message. I vaguely recall that the first capture was toggling pairing across a few different routers until it finally paired, similar to the last capture.

log which only contains a failing attempt

Do you mean by this to set up a network where there are no other end devices (and just routers)?

This aside, I've done a new capture, this time attempting to pair a single device to a single router (0x00124b001fc64014 (0xE516)).


I've taken a screen recording of the process too, in case that helps? You can see in this video the beacon request and response, but no activity in the z2m log.


Koenkk commented 2 years ago

Exactly what I needed (sniff + logs)

Can you again provide a herdsman debug log + sniff of just 1 pairing attempt with the fw below: znp_CC1352P_2_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ccs.hex.zip

Note, pairing might always succeed now, let me know if this is the case.

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

Awesome, I've just flashed this firmware, and attempted to pair the same device (0x00158d0004507670) again to the same router (0x00124b001fc64014 (0xE516)).

Here's the pcap and the herdsman debug log: Archive 2.zip

Didn't successfully pair, and didn't see any new log lines emitted whilst attempting to pair the device.

(I have not re-paired any routers, but I imagine that isn't required?)

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

@nickw444 to be sure, can you try repairing the router that you are trying to pair via (I see the joining procedure does not start at all while it did in https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/8803#issuecomment-929687244)

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

@Koenkk I've re-paired the router in question (using Permit Join via All), it looks as though to have the coordinator as its parent on the map.

I've done another capture of pairing the same Aqara button 0x00158d0004507670 to the same router 0x00124b001fc64014, but still didn't manage to successfully Archive 3.zip pair. Hopefully this initiated the pairing procedure in this capture.

If not, I can try again, is there anything I need to look for in Wireshark to confirm whether it had begun? Just to save the back and forth here.

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

@nickw444 I see don't see the debug logging, which means the coordinator isn't letting any messages through.

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

What device is 0x00124b001fc64014?

This is a "Custom devices (DiY) CC2530.ROUTER" (Just a CC2530 + 2591 PA dev board like here: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_create_a_cc2530_router.html). That being said, I've also got this issue with one of my IKEA Traffi signal repeaters too (described in the initial issue/bug report)

Could you share your data/coordinator_backup.json?


Interestingly, the coordinator backup doesn't have that router IEEE address in it, but I am not sure if that was due to an unclean shutdown of my Pi. (Currently in the process of changing OS, so can't boot it up at this very moment, this was taken from an FS snapshot just now). Once it's back up and running I will re-pair the router and get a new copy of the backup.

Should this backup also list all devices on the network? It only has a small amount. There are over 20 devices paired on this network.

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

When repairing the CC2530.ROUTER, did you first remove it (non a force remove)? if not, do this, try to pair the device via the router and provide the log + sniff.

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

Hey Koen, yep, this was done by removing it from Z2M (and a toast for "device left network" appeared).

In the mean time, I've tried to reproduce this away from my Pi on my desktop. I've paired a minimal network which I am able to reproduce with:

I've provided in the attached zip:

filename description
test-network-rebuild-failed-join-cc2530.log Log file produced by z2m (incl. herdsman-debug) whilst building the test network.
test-network-rebuild-failed-join-cc2530.pcapng pcapng captured whilst building the test network. Includes some failure to join via CC2530 router during rebuild
test-network-failed-join-only.pcapng pcapng captured whilst pairing a single device to the CC2530 router after rebuild.
test-network-failed-join-only.log pcapng captured whilst pairing a single device to the CC2530 router after rebuild.
data z2m data directory for the test network, includes flushed coordinator backup. I noticed this coordinator backup only has 2 devices in it, the two IKEA routers?


Devices List Screen Shot 2021-10-04 at 10 24 59 am

Network Map Screen Shot 2021-10-04 at 10 27 53 am

Sequence of Events

Start Rebuilding


(sorry this is a large pcapng, but shows the building of network from 0 devices)

Handy Wireshark Filters ``` (((frame[18:1] == 8e) || (frame[22:3] == 02:c7:00)) || (zbee_aps.cmd.id == 0x05)) || (zbee_zdp) ``` ``` (wpan.src64 == 00:12:4b:00:1f:c6:40:14) || (zbee_aps.cmd.dst == 00:12:4b:00:1f:c6:40:14) || (wpan.dst64 == 00:12:4b:00:1f:c6:40:14) || (zbee_aps.cmd.src == 00:12:4b:00:1f:c6:40:14) ``` ``` (((zbee_aps.cmd.id == 0x05) || (wpan.cmd == 0x01)) || (wpan.cmd == 0x02)) || (zbee_aps.zdp_cluster == 0x0013) ```
seq # last log line time event
60 -- Permit Join
77 -- Pair 0x588e81fffe021892. Paired as 0xc702
248 -- Permit Join via 0xc702
273 -- Pair 0x588e81fffe0205b1 via 0xc702. Paired as 0xecd5
585 -- Permit Join via 0xecd5
703 -- Permit Join via 0xecd5
725 -- Pair 0x00158d0004507670 via 0xecd5. Paired as 0xa137
1071 -- Pair 0x00124b001fc64014 via 0xecd5. Paired as 0xb449
1254 -- Permit Join via 0xb449
1277 2021-10-03T23:21:54.960Z Pair 0x00158d00045075e9 via 0xb449. Failure after multiple attempts. See numerous association requests/responses between SEQ 1284 - SEQ 1591
1630 -- Permit Join via 0xc702
1697 2021-10-03T23:23:24.025 Pair 0x00158d00045075e9 via 0xc702. Paired as 0x85f1
1990 -- Permit Join via 0xb449
2014 2021-10-03T23:25:05.047Z Pair 0x00158d000588ffaa via 0xb449. Failure after multiple attempts. See numerous association requests/responses between SEQ 2014 - SEQ 2145
2181 -- Permit Join via 0xecd5
2203 2021-10-03T23:26:27.699Z Pair 0x00158d000588ffaa via 0xecd5. Paired as 0x70fd

Pair via CC2530 Router

test-network-failed-join-only.{pcapng,log} - This dump contains a log + pcapng of the startup of Z2M and the pairing sequence to the CC2530 router only.

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

Still no debugging appeared, now that we know for sure it has nothing to do with the backup mechanism, this must be a bug in the firmware. I was checking https://software-dl.ti.com/simplelink/esd/simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk/ and found:

When TC settings do not mandate TCLK update, TC does not process APS packets w/ well-known TCLK encryption for remote multi-hop devices

Looks likes TI might already have fixed this bug, however I didn't update to 5.20 yet since it gave issues (current fw is based on 5.10). I expect the next release soon (last was released in July and they release every quarter), will ping you when I have a fw ready.

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

Ok sounds good.

I might try an older firmware release in the interim to see if that improves the situation (however IIRC one of the bugs in the previous release was inability to pair to a specific router so might be hard to know for sure if this is the case)

NicolaiPetri commented 2 years ago

I will follow here.. Maybe this is actually the rootcause of what I have reported here: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/8922

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue is stale because it has been open 30 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 7 days

hnykda commented 2 years ago

Be a nice bot and don't close it.

So to summarize, this is very likely because there is a bug in the latest Z-stack https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware, and now we are in the hands of Koenkk to see if he can make 5.20 firmware work or until TI do a new release?

Details: over here, latest July 14, that means they might be a bit delayed on the next version): image

hnykda commented 2 years ago

Update: Apparently works only for zzh

For anyone interested, flashing January zstack firmware might likely get you moving in the interim. As per this discord discussion:


It didn't work for me though :-(

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

New firmware is live, please check with the following fw: https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/develop/coordinator/Z-Stack_3.x.0/bin

realalexandergeorgiev commented 2 years ago

Tried the new firmware. Didn't change anything for me. Can't add new devices. Thank you for trying β™₯️

hnykda commented 2 years ago

Same here. Anyway, there was simply something wrong when I switched to slaesh - I tried different firmwares from January, July and the one now, but none of them could connect new devices. I deleted everything, changed pan_id and network_key and repaired everything again flawlessly :shrug: ...

So in my case I couldn't find another way than starting from scratch after migrating from CC2531.

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

I deleted everything, changed pan_id and network_key and repaired everything again flawlessly 🀷 ...

It'll be interesting to see if this continues to be the case. I found in my testing of previous firmwares the problem got worse after a few days after the initial setup. Planning to try new firmware this weekend (but not too keen on re-pairing everything...)

realalexandergeorgiev commented 2 years ago

I was playing around today and noticed two things that might be interesting:

  1. I was not able to add the IKEA on/off switch, but the Xiaomi wireless single button WXKG11LM. I was only able to do this in the basement, but I can repeat removing and adding it. It works. But it doesn't anywhere else in the house. Maybe a bug? Interferences??
  2. I noticed a thing when moving from CC2531 to CC2652 - some buttons had really bad LQI besides them being near a router like light. Was not the case before. I thought the network just needs time. Anyway. I took my fresh paired button, kept pressing the button and walked inside the house. The LQI went to 3 and at some point it was not able to send click events any more. Besides being near many routers. Something seems wrong with routing. It feels like it can only send to the coordinator.
hnykda commented 2 years ago

@nickw444 You were right, I now can't add new TRV valves of the same type that I could add at the beginning when I restarted everything (and when I used cc2531) :cry: . Now it has been just 3 days... Is there a chance that when I use older firmware version, it will work (I tried January one, no results)? What FW you use, please?

@Koenkk So bad news, this doesn't seem to solve it. But thank you a lot for trying and let me know if I should try to provide more logs and sniffs.

Is this somehow specific to our setup? I am really surprised there are no people complaining if it's in the firmware for many cc2562 devices many months :thinking: .

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

To all the people still experiencing this issue; did you all migrate from a CC2531 on the 1.2 firmware to CC2652/CC1352 without starting from scratch?

realalexandergeorgiev commented 2 years ago

I did not start from scratch, correct. I used firmware CC2531_SOURCE_ROUTING_20201128.zip

nickw444 commented 2 years ago

Neither, in every instance I have started fresh - In fact, when I set up my CC2652 I missed the release note to change Z2M repo in Hass IO, so didn't even have the capability to do the migration πŸ˜†

hnykda commented 2 years ago

I migrated from CC2531, firmware version 2021127 after massive network outages and issues on around 35 devices (the network simply froze).

Then I got the Slaesh stick with the June firmware, migration went fine (i.e. the network was up), but I couldn't join new devices (and some of them simply "dropped off" during the migration, specifically one IKEA Fyrtur blind - and I couldn't reconnect it). See #9565 .

So I started fresh and was happy that I can pair stuff again (including that blind, for example), but now I cannot pair some of my devices again. I can pair an IKEA repeater, but not TRVs (that worked fine when I migrated from CC2531 co Slaesh, I guess the repeater might reach Coordinator but the TRVs cannot even though they are in the same room, but they are battery operated). I upgraded to the latest firmware you linked, but that made no difference. I cannot pair these, unfortunately.

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

@hnykda could you:

hnykda commented 2 years ago

Hi. I probably somehow failed in doing it, apologies... Even when I moved the TRVs next to the coordinator, I cannot connect it at all and I don't see anything that would point to the TRVs actually sending anything. Maybe the TRVs just magically broke? Anyway, I tried with an IKEA blinds controller. I couldn't pair it when being far from coordinator, but I could when being in the coordinator's range. Unfortunately, when I am not close to the coordinator, I don't see any "Association Response" (with the button nor the TRVs - with those though, I don't see it even when close to it). Therefore I didn't even get to the second bullet point.

Also, I suspect I am somehow haunted - when trying to pair one of the 3 TRVs that don't work now, even though I haven't seen anything in wiresharks logs (but I could've just stopped the capture as I was trying it like 50 times), it got paired. The other one didn't at all even when putting it next to coordinator (it's the _TZE200_zuhszj9s / TS0601, so the pairing is usually trivial). I suspect it "caughted" a glimpse of the coordinator signal somehow?

All the pcapng here: https://easyupload.io/m/0wrw4t - the unsuccessful_pairing_* or failed_button_far are when I was putting the TRV/button into pairing mode when not being close to the coordinator, sniffing for traffic right next to the device.

It's all on the today's zigbee2mqtt-edge and the latest dev firmware for slaesh slack you sent earlier.

Koenkk commented 2 years ago
hnykda commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your help Koenkk, :bear: with me please. Based on the sniff packet 200 I sent you earlier when trying to pair the button, I found out that the source router for that pairing was my IKEA repeater paired earlier with network address cbca. I went to coordinator_backup.json and haven't found any device with nwk_address: "cbca" (and the backup is from today - 3 days after it was paired): image

Should I now remove that IKEA repeater and then pairing it again or just pairing it again without removing first (is that even possible)?

Koenkk commented 2 years ago
realalexandergeorgiev commented 2 years ago

Should one see all routers there? (Even if not starting from scratch?) I see only 2 devices there. The two Xiaomi buttons(!) I recently paired in the basement 5days ago (see above).

francisp2 commented 2 years ago

Should one see all routers there?

Good question. I have 31 Zigbee devices (excluding the coordinator), but only 23 devices in coordinator_backup.json

Koenkk commented 2 years ago

Should one see all routers there? (Even if not starting from scratch?) I see only 2 devices there. The two Xiaomi buttons(!) I recently paired in the basement 5days ago (see above).

@castorw does the coordinator_backup.json contain all the router or just the ones with a specific link key?

castorw commented 2 years ago

@Koenkk All devices known to the coordinator, including those connected via routers should be backed up. Although I am not entirely sure ZNP stores these devices in ADDRMGR if they do not exchange APS keys.

Can any of you guys having less devices in coordinator_backup.json than actually paired in the network provide me with the coordinator_backup.json and NV dump from the coordinator? I could investigate further in the matter.

To extract NV contents you can use: https://github.com/zigpy/zigpy-znp/blob/dev/zigpy_znp/tools/nvram_read.py.

hnykda commented 2 years ago


to be sure, also check if the ieee address it not in the coordinator_backup.json, using the z2m frontend you should be able to find the ieee address of the device

OK, I actually found that under the IEEE address (but different network address) :shrug: :

      "nwk_address": "76da",
      "ieee_address": "84fd27fffe702988",
      "is_child": false,
      "link_key": {
        "key": "507de2a6bfea12c60f3a2505518437db",
        "rx_counter": 0,
        "tx_counter": 5275

now I don't know what you want me to do, because you wrote "if no, then ..."

What should I do "if yes" :grimacing: ?

And I seem to have all the devices there. The backup actually seems to contain additional three more devices (maybe the three TRVs I haven't paired yet again?).

castorw commented 2 years ago

@hnykda The network address is not as important as the IEEE address. The network address may change. However, what is interesting is that APS key rx_counter is 0.

hnykda commented 2 years ago

OK, didn't know that, thanks.

This is the router: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/E1746.html#ikea-e1746 . I had no troubles of pairing this device even when I was far from the coordinator, but it's maybe because my house is so small that this device can simply reach it as any other router in my house according to the network map: image

The red circle is the IKEA repeater.

The device I had an issue to pair when not being close to the coordinator was https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/E1766.html#ikea-e1766

castorw commented 2 years ago

@hnykda :

hnykda commented 2 years ago

Eh, I think I actually have two problems:

  1. TRVs not pairing at all after a while even though the same type paired fine right after I simply started from scratch
  2. Not being able to pair devices unless pairing them close to the coordinator (which in my case isn't such a huge problem, as my house is fairly small, but still annoying and want to provide the feedback - once again, thanks a lot for doing all of this)

Is the problem present after the router has been freshly paired to network or after restoring from backup?

I believe this problem wasn't present after a fresh network (at least I haven't recognized that), so there wasn't any backup as far as I can tell (I simply deleted the old zigbee2mqtt data directory and started from scratch with a new network channel) :thinking: .

castorw commented 2 years ago

@hnykda Could you contact me on telegram? @castorko I am pretty curious about the state of your network and there are indications of possible problems with ZNP adapter handling in zigbee-herdsman code.

francisp2 commented 2 years ago

@castorw output of /nvram_read.py : backup.txt coordinator_backup.json : coordinator_backup_json.txt database.db: database_db.txt

Same problem as hnykda, is a tube zb ethernet/usb coordinator upgraded from a CC2530+CC2591+esp01 coordinator with source routing firmware.

jcastro commented 2 years ago

I'm now able to pair with new devices using the latest version of zigbee2mqtt (1.22.1-1) with latest firmware ( Z-Stack 3.x.0 20210708) for my device (Zzh! CC2652R Multiprotocol RF Stick)

castorw commented 2 years ago

@francisp2 What exactly? Cannot pair certain devices? Cannot pair devices at all? Cannot pair through certain routers? Are you trying with the latest Z2M version?