KoffeinFlummi / AGM

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NVGs full screen #1585

Closed serjames closed 9 years ago

serjames commented 9 years ago

It's frustrating not being able to afford a 6 screen surround-uber-omnivision setup, but playing through a toilet roll every-time someone puts the lights out is just not realistic, authentic or fun frankly.

Can we either significantly change the shape of the subjective optic view to allow larger oval viewpoint, or as it would be in real-life allow full screen vision. Modern NVG's don't have you looking down a narrow tube.

I find that night-time mission are hard enough as it is without 2/3'rd of peoples limited screen space being hijacked by the black vignette.

Please allow an option for full/partial full screen NVG's. If needed this could be an admin placeable module so that TvT's are fair etc.

Whilst you're at it, the noise simulation on the NVG's is a bit OP too.... that's really been tuned out on modern kit and just isn't representative of real situation anymore unless it's absolutely PITCH black.

Here's hoping.......

commy2 commented 9 years ago

I don't think the vignette can be changed while the game is running due to it being defined in config and the lack of scripting commands for that. Atleast I don't know how we would go about doing this. I don't like the idea of removing the vignette altogether as some might like it...

Maybe someone else will have an idea on how to do this though.

The argument that modern nvgs can do this and that is kinda flawed, as the nvgs in A3 are the same model they were in A2.

The noise... Well we could make the ppEffect dynamic, depending on the lighting conditions (moonIntensityonly, not beeing near a lamp unfortunately). The setting as it is now could then be used on dark nights and gets weakened on better lighting conditions, up to the point that there is no noise at all on really bright nights.

The estimates we used when adjusting the ppEffect for this might be flawed due to experiences with the shitty nvgs used by the Bundeswehr.

Here's hoping.


commy2 commented 9 years ago

I reduced the filmGrain effect intensity for v0.95.


The rest will most likely not be in the next version. Unless someone else is willing to do it.

bux commented 9 years ago

We did agree not to remove that black frame: #904 There's another addon that does is.

And frankly, I like the current amount of grain. NVG's are pretty shitty IRL. You don't even have spatial perception (ger: räumliche Wahrnehmung).

PabstMirror commented 9 years ago

What about linking the effect to a variable, something like {_veh getVariable ["AGM_NightVision_effect", 1];}.

Modern (or 2035) tanks are going to have different NVG quality than 'rebels' with 1970s soviet tech. Could allow some asymmetrical gameplay, and also allow mission makers to disable the effect if desired without removing pbo.

There already is a while loop in nightVision.sqf:

  _veh = objNull;
  while {currentVisionMode AGM_player == 1} do {
    if ((vehicle AGM_player) != _veh) then {
      _veh = vehicle AGM_player;
      _effect = _veh getVariable ["AGM_NightVision_effect", 1];
      AGM_NightVision_ppEffect ppEffectAdjust [0.25, 2.5, 2.5, _effect * 2.5 * 0.3, _effect * 2.5 * 0.3, false];
      AGM_NightVision_ppEffect ppEffectCommit 0;

edit: of course this wouldn't work with looted gear.
Could create new items AGM_NVG_Gen1, AGM_NVG_Gen2, AGM_NVG_Gen3, AGM_NVG_FullScreen with varying quality/brightness/vignettes?

but it would increase complexity a bit.

BaerMitUmlaut commented 9 years ago

Currently the black border is limiting your FOV which is realistic. I've looked up modern NVGs and the maximum FOV they provide that I have found was 40°. That's not much at all, and even in 2035 the FOV will most likely still be quite restricted.

However, I agree with the black border being annoying af. I thought about decreasing the FOV and applying a smaller black border when NVGs get activated, similar to the one seen here, but I didn't find a way to do that yet.

kripto202 commented 9 years ago

One reason my group came to agm is because it doesn't have full screen night vision. I think this isn't needed.

sagjangi commented 9 years ago

Just make it an option in a module (if possible). I disagree with full screen NVGs but that doesn't mean others don't like it.

bux commented 9 years ago

But there's already a mod for this :)

— JD

On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:07 AM, sagjangi notifications@github.com wrote:

Just make it an option in a module (if possible). I disagree with full screen NVGs but that doesn't mean others don't like it.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/AGM/issues/1585#issuecomment-64314638

BryanBoru commented 9 years ago

Respectfully, I'll mention that "there is already a mod for this" can apply to multiple aspects of AGM. However as a member of a unit, I'd rather use a system that was made uniform by the same script team, than have to play poke and hope with other mods and try to fix the conflicts that arise. Multiple members of my team claim the NVGs are unrealistic compared to their experiences IRL. I cant say i agree, yet I dont care either way. In the end the customizations and modularity of AGM is what makes us so comfortable using it. Great work either way, all of you.

KoffeinFlummi commented 9 years ago

I agree. But from what I can tell (someone correct me if i'm wrong), this would need to be done in config, meaning it wouldn't be possible to turn off.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Just make it an option in a module (if possible). I disagree with full screen NVGs but that doesn't mean others don't like it.


I agree. But from what I can tell (someone correct me if i'm wrong), this would need to be done in config, meaning it wouldn't be possible to turn off.


I don't think the vignette can be changed while the game is running due to it being defined in config and the lack of scripting commands for that

bux commented 9 years ago

I could imagine using a similar vignette seen in @BaerMitUmlaut s post: image

Reduce quality and maybe even make lights more disturbing (if possible).

BaerMitUmlaut commented 9 years ago

Possible via ppEffects (colorCorrections, radialBlur, dynamicBlur, filmGrain), but cannot be forced as the user can disable the blur effects by disabling post processing effects in the video settings.

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

Just my 2 cents:

commy2 commented 9 years ago

The vignette is already adjusted in the hmd's config: https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/AGM/pull/1598/files#diff-aa858776d522d3fc2c70a8425b0a8ba9R74

BaerMitUmlaut commented 9 years ago

Here's a vignette close to the one from that MOH screenshot. vignette

commy2 commented 9 years ago
BaerMitUmlaut commented 9 years ago

Test with 40° FOV by limiting it via overlay (each sphere represents 5°): 40 nvg I don't think playing with such a big overlay would be fun. Even less with the 30° FOV Gen 1 goggles provide...

commy2 commented 9 years ago

That looks way too small.

@KoffeinFlummi Can you put BaerMitUmlaut's vignette into a p3d, so we can use it?

bux commented 9 years ago

Different resolutions and aspect ratios aren't a problem?

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Nope. The current vignette is a model aswell. We just need a new one for wide screen and reference it in config.

sagjangi commented 9 years ago

Agreed about the informed discussion piece. This debate usually ends with X person saying I like/don't like X feature for X personal reason instead of modeling an accurate representation in game. I had no idea that different quality NVGs but type/era might be possible. That's awesome!

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Assigning to Flummi, because all thats left is the optics model.

KoffeinFlummi commented 9 years ago

KoffeinFlummi commented 9 years ago

reminder @commy2: blur.

serjames commented 9 years ago

MUCH MUCH better - thanks guys !

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

@commy2, the blur is fantastic! Maybe it could be further increased (slightly) for Gen 1 and Gen 2 googles. I like how the blur reduces the "effective" FOV without putting huge black borders, but that's why I think a bit more for Gen 1 and 2 would be great.

bux commented 9 years ago

Release notes should contain a hint that for maximum awesomeness (radial?) blur should be enabled in the video settings. 

— JD

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 6:06 PM, CAA-Picard notifications@github.com wrote:

@commy2, the blur is fantastic! Maybe it could be further increased (slightly) for Gen 1 and Gen 2 googles. I like how the blur reduces the "effective" FOV without putting huge black borders, but that's why I think a bit more for Gen 1 and 2 would be great.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/AGM/issues/1585#issuecomment-67355591