KoffeinFlummi / AGM

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AI screaming way too loud #1819

Closed BaerMitUmlaut closed 9 years ago

BaerMitUmlaut commented 9 years ago

Compare the volume of the screams to the standard voices: http://a.pomf.se/cvgajf.webm

ir0n1e commented 9 years ago

I think player model is screaming not the AI model. AI distance player > 500 player model is still screaming.

BaerMitUmlaut commented 9 years ago

It's definitely the AI model that is screaming. You can test this by lying prone, resting your weapon, aiming at a unit, going out of the aim mode and looking to the right or left while firing - the sound is directional.

ir0n1e commented 9 years ago

jab, but the test succeeded at every distance - You can hear the scream at every distance.

nomisum commented 9 years ago

can confirm screams from out of nowhere (> 1000m)

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

I think player model is screaming not the AI model. AI distance player > 500 player model is still screaming.

can confirm screams from out of nowhere (> 1000m)

I cannnot reproduce that. However, the playSound3D has a long history of random unexpeted behaviour that only happens on some machines. I think that must be what's giving you problems.

@ir0n1e, @nomisum, to make sure please run the following code on the editor's terminal:

offset = [250,0,1];
playSound3D [ "A3\sounds_f\characters\human-sfx\Person0\P0_hit_01.wss", objNull, False, (getPosASL player) vectorAdd offset, 18, 1, 200];

Depending on the value of offset you should normally hear the scream (e.g. offset = [100, 0, 1];) or not (e.g. offset = [250, 0, 1];). I guess this won't work for you. Please report back.

Compare the volume of the screams to the standard voices

We'll probably lower the volume of the screams; however, keep in mind that they are called "screams" and as such they should be louder than normal voices.

BaerMitUmlaut commented 9 years ago

I have had problems with the various sound functions in the past myself, not sure what causes them, but createSoundSource seems to work perfectly fine for the cookoff sound from AGM Armour.

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

I've lowered the scream volume at close ranges, while trying to maintain it hearable up to 150m.

I have had problems with the various sound functions in the past myself, not sure what causes them, but createSoundSource seems to work perfectly fine for the cookoff sound from AGM Armour.

We'll keep that in mind. That command is a bit more cumbersome to work with though.

ir0n1e commented 9 years ago

Ok tested. Works like it should. offset >= 200 no scream. offset < 200 silent scream offset < 100 loud scream

licht-im-Norden87 commented 9 years ago

i prefer a more (in my opinion) realistic option
offset >= 160 no scream. offset < 160 silent scream offset < 45 loud scream

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

i prefer a more (in my opinion) realistic option

Arma commands don't allow any fine tuning of atenuation vs distance. Only a peak volume and a hearing distance can be set, so a compromise is needed.

I feel I've done my best; feel free to tweak the values and generate a PR if you find better values.

nomisum commented 9 years ago

cant reproduce anymore, sorry. above posted code always works.

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

@nomisum, can you still reproduce the issue with 0.95?

That is important because there's a minor difference between the code I posted and the one in 0.95. That may be the difference between triggering the bug or not.

ir0n1e commented 9 years ago

Same here. Works for me now. Less distance louder scream.

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

@KoffeinFlummi, @commy2, @bux578, @PabstMirror, the moral of the story is the following:

If you want to use playSound3D to play sound from a given position (4º parameter), pass objNull as the 2º parameter. According to the docs it should get ignored, but passing an objet as 2º parameter triggers the bug on certain machines.

jayjay213 commented 9 years ago

bug ist still there on dedicated servers, but it works in editor or singleplayer.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

What version of AGM are you using, jayjay213?

jayjay213 commented 9 years ago

sorry for the delayed response, V0.95

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

@jayjay213, this was fixed after 0.95 and not released yet.