KoffeinFlummi / AGM

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Add module to configure AI medical settings #1904

Open Meiestrix opened 9 years ago

Meiestrix commented 9 years ago

It would be nice if you could add a module where you can adjust the settings for the AI medical function. For example:

KoffeinFlummi commented 9 years ago

switch on / off agm medic for AI

What exactly do you mean by that? No bleeding? No pain? No unconsciousness?

adjust unconscious time until the AI will die

This can already be achieved simply enough by mission creators using something like this (you will have to wait for v0.95.1 to be released):

if (isServer) then {
    _x setVariable ["AGM_Medical_MaxUnconscioussTime", 60, True]; // replace 60 with time in seconds
  } forEach [allUnits, {!([_this] call AGM_Core_fnc_isPlayer)}] call AGM_Core_fnc_filter;
nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

This can already be achieved simply enough by mission creators using something like this

It's not that simple, because AI may be created through scripts, MCC, etc. In any case, this loop should be executed at a regular interval.

Meiestrix commented 9 years ago

"What exactly do you mean by that? No bleeding? No pain? No unconsciousness?"

Yes, like the AI behaviour before 0.95 But this was just an example.

The most important setting for me would be to deactivate the automatic wake up for AI after unconscious.

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago


I think this request is related to the following: in coops usually people want very different medical behaviour for players and AI. We now allow almost infinite customization via setting unit variables, but it may not be a very conveniet method for day to day use.

So some method of specifying default parameters for players and AI separately would probably be welcome. Maybe different modules, maybe have AGM run a mission side script when initing AI, IDK. Ideally something that is as fire-and-forget as possible for mission makers and bloat our code as little as possible.

KGBCartman commented 9 years ago

It would be great, if there was a parameter to turn the self treatment for the ai off. It looks ridiculous, when the ai starts it, in the middle of a firefight. They take one hit and instead of shooting back, they just take a knee and start the medical animation. Maybe it would be a good idea, to combine this with the combat mode, if this is possible.

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

Maybe it would be a good idea, to combine this with the combat mode, if this is possible.

Sounds interesting, I'm making a separate issue for that.