KoffeinFlummi / AGM

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ATRQ repair broken #2001

Closed jonpas closed 9 years ago

jonpas commented 9 years ago

I am not positive this is AGM's bug, but I am not currently in position to test it otherwise and thought it would be better if I post and don't forget.

When you kill your anti-torque rotor and repair it using AGM's repair (obviously) then get back into it it all spins fine (but with a delay and starts spinning only when the helicopter is fully started and spun up) but it does not work. The strange thing is, it repairs for everyone else on the server (they can fly normally), but for local unit (yourself) it doesn't get repaired (keeps spinning if you take off). If you reconnect it's normally repaired as well.

Using Advanced Flight Model.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Sounds more like BI broke something. Try it with vanilla repair trucks. I don't own the DLC, so testing that is impossible for me.

KoffeinFlummi commented 9 years ago

Sounds more like BI broke something. Try it with vanilla repair trucks. I don't own the DLC, so testing that is impossible for me.

No it isn't. Everyone can use the AFM.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Huh? I can't?

jonpas commented 9 years ago

You can use it, AFM is a feature, features are free, only content is paid (those 2 helicopters for Heli DLC), but features are still part of DLC. :grinning: Basically, you can use all the featuers from the DLC (sling-loading, AFM, firing from vehicles).

nicolasbadano commented 9 years ago

Huh? I can't?

Obviously you can commy. Stop coding and play the actual game for a while (Configure -> Game -> Difficulty to turn on/off)

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Not gonna fly a helicopter. I'm a panzergrenadier : /

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Haha, I'll try to reproduce it in a sensible way first, since so far I only managed to remember to try it in multiplayer.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

So I made a LAN mission and spawned as engineer with toolkit right next to a initially damaged helicopter.

I repaired all hitpoints and everything seems to be ok. I obviously can't fly with rotorlib. How would I know if that AT rotor works or not?

jonpas commented 9 years ago

You would just go in and try to fly. You can use RotorLib with keyboard and mouse as well, at least for a test like this, just go to Options and enable Advanced Flight Model.

I know it happened to me twice so far on the Hellcat in Multiplayer. Trying to reproduce in single now with other helicopters.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Works for me. Can't repro.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Just did some test and I could only reproduce it with a Hellcat from NATO Hellcats mod. Though that makes no sense as that mod inherits everything from AAF's Hellcat (I checked the config), but Vanilla one appears to be working fine.

I'll keep trying to reproduce this on others...

commy2 commented 9 years ago

that mod inherits everything from AAF's Hellcat

That actually means nothing if the config is set up incorrectly. Please also try if the same thing happens using vanilla repair trucks.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Woop, just managed to reproduce with Vanilla AAF's Hellcat. And config looks correct, at least to me (and I did my own similar config for my Skycranes). Will try with repair trucks.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Ok, the problem with vanilla repair trucks is that you can't repair if not enough stuff is damaged... so I can't reproduce it because I have to damage more than my Tail Rotor to be able to repair with a repair truck at all.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

you can't repair if not enough stuff is damaged

Thats not how they are supposed to work. Every minimal damage should be repairable by them. Maybe BIS did really mess it up? I mean not being able to repair something unless you damage something else sounds like a bug.

bux commented 9 years ago

Just tested it.

In Vanilla:

Damaging the ATRQ rotor of the MH9 and driving a repair HEMTT close to it, repairs the ATRQ rotor. With or without AFM.

bux commented 9 years ago

With AGM 0.95.1:

Damaging the ATRQ rotor of the MH9 and driving a repair HEMTT close to it, DOESN'T repair the ATRQ rotor by itself. But allows everyone (?) to repair it when close by.

BUT ... despite the fact that it show the ATRQ roter as being repaired the MH9 spins as if the ATRQ rotor hasn't been repaired. This seems to only happens with the AFM enabled though.

This does not happen in vanilla. Maybe the heli has more parts with the AFM that needs to be repaired?

Video: http://youtu.be/JAm6DeEr4hg

jonpas commented 9 years ago

This does not happen in vanilla. Maybe the heli has more parts with the AFM that needs to be repaired?

I believe that is indeed true. Good job on the testing bux!

commy2 commented 9 years ago

So it's probably related to this: https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/AGM/issues/2000

commy2 commented 9 years ago
[vehicle player] call agm_core_fnc_getHitpoints

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Maybe the issue is not the AT rotor, but "HitVStabilizer1" ?

commy2 commented 9 years ago

I think this is caused by those additional hitpoints when using rotorlib. Writing a work-around is imo not worth it considering the logistics rewrite.


jonpas commented 9 years ago

Sounds good.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Sucks that it won't be in 0.952, but it would really require to throw everything out the window whats currently there. Because there are so many hitpoints now they don't fit into the menu. I'll need to use the listbox for that. And I havte to filter what the repairing client has as rotorlib settings plus sync that somehow to those who don't have it...

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Yeah I understand, tedious. It's not a big problem really, at least not for us as we use persistent reconnects, so if I repair it I can just hop back to lobby and back in and I'll be on exactly same position with same gear (part of a much bigger project). The only thing will be that I'll forget it's a bug and fully take-off then spin out of control, haha.

jonpas commented 9 years ago

Today's dev-branch changelog:

Fixed: Tail rotor destruction


Possibly connected?