KoffeinFlummi / AGM

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Hostage Game Mechanics #903

Open catatonicChimp opened 9 years ago

catatonicChimp commented 9 years ago

First, apologies, I haven't had time this week to play to the latest build, so I am basing this off what I saw in the latest video demonstration.

The mechanic suggestions are all based around TvT/PvP gameplay so this type of setup won't work in coop against AI.

I am trying to breakdown the whole mechanics, so I do suggest features in the document that already exist in some cases... for example I know that you are already bind hands behind backs with cable ties, but I am just reiterating for the breakdown.

Cable ties -> Binds hands behind back (this gives a visual indicator that unit is a hostage) -> prevent unit from using gun/equipment -> gives arresting units additional actions to perform on hostage (see new options below) -> does not restrict overall unit movement (see movement restrictions for more details) -> high chance of tripping and landing in prone position if they try and run/sprint. -> should be possible to escape cable ties with the right tools and time.

Search/Remove Weapons/equipment. -> once a unit is cable tied, give the option to strip that unit of their equipment/weapons, maybe even force custom prisoner uniform. -> I would suggest having a script create an empty crate next to the hostage and load all their equipment into that. That way it can be dragged away and hidden/stored and returned if needed.

Movement restrictions -> Cable ties shouldn't prevent a unit for moving. A new option should be given to stand guard. This should be a timed and location base restriction, so the guard must be within x meters of a subject at all times, and the action must be reactivated every x mins (make it a variable in the module) This way a prisoner can escape if the guard isn't paying attention, it also means that commanders have to sacrifice manpower to guard prisoners. -> WIth Cable ties on, there should be a high chance of tripping/falling over if the hostage tries to run/sprint. -> Moving a prisoner by force should only be allowed if the prisoner agrees, or if the prisoner unconscious/knocked out. -> You should be able to knock out a prisoner when they are cable tied, but like morphine if you knock them out to many times, they will die.

BlindFolds -> I've already made a feature request for this, but the it would be ideal in cases where you don't want hostages to reveal base locations etc. There should be a smallish sliver of sight at the top and bottom of the screen so they can still have a slight hope of escaping. -> Any attempt at sprinting should result in them tripping. A very high chance of falling over if running and a medium chance of falling over if walking.

Escape Tools. -> Option to spawn escape tools in buildings around map. (For getting out of cable ties and blindfolds)

Vehicles -> Prisoners shouldn't be able to interact with vehicles when cable tied. a cable tied prisoner should be loaded into the vehicle the same way a cargo box can be loaded with the interaction menu.

Other: -> I saw that you can attach glowsticks to yourself with AGM, players should be able to attach glow sticks to prisoners so they can be easily tracked in the dark.. (prisoners can only remove them if they have their cable ties removed.)

This should be an open discussion, I have written what I would like, but a) some of this stuff might be impossible, b) this should be able to suit as many people as possible.

So feel free to add/remove ideas.



commy2 commented 9 years ago

There are no walking animations with your hands on your back, so a walking captive is impossible.

catatonicChimp commented 9 years ago

@commy2 your right with the current default arma animations walking captive is impossible, but if we can find someone to do a custom set of animations for that, then it does become a possibility.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

I doubt someone else besides BIS is able to do that. It's just to hard to do to be worth it. Look at how few addon made reload animations there are and those are simple gestures. As far as I can see, there will never be any custom walking animations in Arma.

catatonicChimp commented 9 years ago

I've added an issue to arma3's feedback tracker http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20310

kripto202 commented 9 years ago

can't there be a new animation set for the captive?

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Yes, but there is no better one.

kripto202 commented 9 years ago

Well then instead of the player looking stupid standing up, why cant we edit the one you are using and have him face down on the ground and have him stand up when being moved?

CorruptedHeart commented 9 years ago

Because we are using the default Arma 3 animations and we cannot edit them.

kripto202 commented 9 years ago

But couldnt you copy it, edit it, then call it agm_hostage_stance

CorruptedHeart commented 9 years ago

No, it is binarised which means it cannot be edited or even viewed correctly outside of the engine.

commy2 commented 9 years ago

Editing the animations would also violate the EULA.

commy2 commented 9 years ago


From Pakislav2:

1.) Add cable ties to inventory of all units. 2.) Make AI take unconscious enemies prisoner, similar to current AI medic behavior. 3.) Make captives drop all their gear on the ground, as per bCombat mods surrender feature. 3.5) Give players the ability to take items out of unconscious/captive units inventory.

More ambitious;

3.) Make the AI escort the captive to a building within ~100m and guard him there/Escort him to a place on map specified by mission makers with a custom module. 4.) Give players an ability to free themselves, should take a looong time. Makes the units guarding him as per #3 shoot/chase after the escapee. 5.) Give players an ability to knock out someone if they get close enough. Simple action on others -> knock out.

ghost commented 9 years ago

One more thing; Let AI rescue their fellow, captive soldiers. It get's silly when they just stand there, ignored.

Hees commented 9 years ago

I love all the suggestions, but one. Blindfold c.q. headbag will lead to executing anyone wearing one. I would be against that, the executing part that is.

I think AGM can do better than bCombat by just dropping their weapons (and ammo). The rest of the non-lethal gear - but also hints, tasks, info, military secrets on paper - should be accessible via the Frisk command.

bux commented 9 years ago

but also hints, tasks, info, military secrets on paper - should be accessible via the Frisk command.

I like that.