KojiKobayashi / iterative_closest_point_2d

Iterative Closest Point 2D with python and opencv
MIT License
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Using the openCV Point in Python for the blur function #5

Open davegodbey opened 4 months ago

davegodbey commented 4 months ago

The blur function from the docs:

void cv::blur | ( | InputArray | src,

OutputArray | dst,   |   | Size | ksize,   |   | Point | anchor = Point(-1,-1),   |   | int | borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT   | )

And for python for the "anchor" variable it calls a point from the openCV documentation. anchor: anchor point; default value Point(-1,-1) means that the anchor is at the kernel center.

My python code snippet blurImage = cv.blur(self.image, kSize, Point(-1,-1), cv.BORDER_DEFAULT)

The code doesn't work. (-1,-1) doesn't work. cv.Point, np.Point either.

How do write that statement wrt (-1,-1)?

Thank you, Dave