Kolcha / DigitalClock5

beautiful highly customizable clock with plugins
GNU General Public License v3.0
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出现的问题 #8

Open momofrank608 opened 4 hours ago

momofrank608 commented 4 hours ago

1.总是保持在其他窗口之上。 2.添加的日期,不能修改字体大小,不能单独缩放。 3.没有上一个4.7.9版本中的导入导出设置的功能。 这个版本相对于上一个版本好像没有什么更新,反而是减少了好多功能设置。

Kolcha commented 3 hours ago
  1. this is "eternal problem" since ~2015, see https://github.com/Kolcha/DigitalClock5/issues/6#issuecomment-2369003050 for details , and this is not the problem only of my clock. this is what you have to live with as is. I already imported all hacks around it from the previous version and don't plan to invent/search the new ones, as this is not a way that should be and it will not solve the problem in any case, just "hides" it. it works fine enough for me, as I just don't use apps which may affect it (most of JS-based apps). yes, it may "drop down", but this is what happens for other apps too, unfortunately...
  2. it can, set "fixed size" instead of "autoscale" for "resize policy", then you will be able to set font size
  3. import/export is just not implemented yet, but will appear, even with partial support of import settings from the previous version (this requires pretty much of work, so that's why it is not yet implemented)

I can't say it is "reduced functionality". yes, few plugins are missing (some of of them will appear, but some very unlikely), and few dubious options from "Misc" tab in the old version are missing too, but it offers much more customization options (even more is coming) compared to the old version, and what is most important - it renders whatever fonts properly (this is key feature of the new clock)

momofrank608 commented 2 hours ago
  1. 这是自 2015 年左右以来的“永恒问题”,详情请参阅无效 - 【停留在其他窗口之上】 #6(评论),这不仅仅是我的时钟的问题。这是你必须忍受的。我已经从以前的版本导入了所有围绕它的黑客,并且不打算发明/搜索新的黑客,因为这不是应该采用的方式,而且无论如何它都不会解决问题,只是“隐藏”了它。它对我来说已经足够好了,因为我不使用可能会影响它的应用程序(大多数基于 JS 的应用程序)。是的,它可能会“掉下来”,但不幸的是,其他应用程序也会发生这种情况……
  2. 可以,将“调整大小策略”设置为“固定大小”,而不是“自动缩放”,然后您就可以设置字体大小
  3. 导入/导出功能尚未实现,但会出现,即使部分支持以前版本的导入设置(这需要大量工作,所以这就是它尚未实现的原因)

我不能说这是“功能减少”。是的,缺少一些插件(其中一些会出现,但有些不太可能出现),旧版本中“杂项”选项卡中的一些可疑选项也丢失了,但与旧版本相比,它提供了更多的自定义选项(甚至还有更多),最重要的是 - 它可以正确呈现任何字体(这是新时钟的主要功能) 我很喜欢这个软件,用了好久了。其他桌面时钟用了很多,找了好多,都没有这个软件合适,好用。所以目前,我还是用4.7.9版本,起码这个版本还没有出现什么问题。也期待日后有更加稳定,丰富功能的版本出现。祝一切顺利。持续关注!!!

Kolcha commented 2 hours ago

please specify what missing features you're using in the previous version so I can add them first.

even right now I am mostly focused on "core development" (there are a lot of things that can and should be improved), but fixing user inconvenience is the first thing (that's why 2 new versions appeared very quickly after the first release).