KoljaB / LocalAIVoiceChat

Local AI talk with a custom voice based on Zephyr 7B model. Uses RealtimeSTT with faster_whisper for transcription and RealtimeTTS with Coqui XTTS for synthesis.
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Why not an open implementation like directml? #8

Open AryanEmbered opened 3 months ago

AryanEmbered commented 3 months ago

Also why not stream the responses to the model as they come instead of waiting for the entire response before tts starts?

KoljaB commented 3 months ago

Thanks for reaching out. As everything is completely open-source, its already an open implementation to its fullest extent - I think? I don't see how integration with DirectML would add anything here. Streaming inputs to LLMs isn't feasible. The LLM's outputs are already streamed to the TTS engine in real-time . without waiting for the full output.