To speedup your transcription make sure you have CUDA installed (for example for cuda 12.1 install it with pip install torch==2.3.1+cu121 torchaudio==2.3.1 --index-url )
This sudden russian language detection with the big large-v2 model is very strange and hints to something being wrong. Pls verify that your CUDA and torch versions meet faster_whisper requirements. If not, pls change to safe versions (for example 12.1 for CUDA and 2.3.1 or 2.2.2 or 2.1.2 for torch). Maybe check numpy too (sometimes numpy>2.0.0 causes problems on some systems, use for example numpy==1.23.5 instead). Could also be transformers version, not sure about that. Or something with CTranslate2.
Implement this faster_whisper fix that is not yet available in a release in your local faster_whisper/ if you need automatic language detection and want to get rid auf the automatic translation bug without setting fixed language
Try installing RealtimeSTT in a fresh virtual environment, not in your main python environment
I took the code you provided in tests/ and it's working way worse than your showcase: