Kolmain / Evolution-A3

A remake of the classic ArmA mission Evolution by Kiljoy.
MIT License
13 stars 3 forks source link

Add Snipers to AO #64

Closed Kolmain closed 9 years ago

Kolmain commented 9 years ago

Add probability to sniper presence

Kolmain commented 9 years ago

/* File: fn_findOverwatch.sqf Author: Dean "Rocket" Hall

Function which selects a position that provides overwatch
onto another position.

_this select 0: the target position (position)
_this select 1: maximum distance from target in meters (optional)
_this select 2: minimum distance from target in meters (optional)
_this select 3: minimum height in relation to target in meters (optional)
_this select 4: position to start looking from, if different from target pos (optional)


Kolmain commented 9 years ago

/* File: fn_unpackStaticWeapon.sqf Author: Dean "Rocket" Hall

Function which uses a weapon team to pack a static weapon such
as the HMG or Mortar. Requires three personnel in the team as
a minimum (leader, gunner, assistant).

_this select 0: the support team group (group)
_this select 1: location to place gun (position)
_this select 2: location of target (position)

*/ private["_group","_position","_targetPos","_leader","_units","_gunner","_assistant","_type","_weapon","_wait","_tripodBP","_dirTo"];

_group = [_this, 0, grpNull] call bis_fnc_param; _position = [_this, 1, grpNull] call bis_fnc_param; _targetPos = [_this, 2, grpNull] call bis_fnc_param; _weapon = objNull; _leader = leader _group; _units = (units _group) - [leader _group]; _gunner = _units select 0; _assistant = _units select 1; _type = _group getVariable ["supportWeapon","B_HMG_01_F"];

{ _x doMove _position; } forEach _units;

waitUntil{unitReady _gunner}; _gunner disableAI "move"; _assistant disableAI "move";

{ _x disableAI "MOVE"; _x setUnitPos "Middle"; } forEach [_leader,_assistant];

_assistant action ["PutBag",_assistant]; _gunner action ["Assemble",unitbackpack _gunner];

_wait = true; while {_wait} do { _weapon = nearestObject [_position,"StaticWeapon"]; if (alive _weapon) then {_wait = false}; sleep 1; }; _tripodBP = nearestObject [_position,"B_HMG_01_support_F"]; _weapon = nearestObject [_position,"StaticWeapon"]; _dirTo = [position _weapon,_targetPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _weapon setDir _dirTo; deleteVehicle _tripodBP; sleep 2; _gunner assignAsGunner _weapon; _gunner moveInGunner _weapon; _group setVariable ["supportWeaponSetup",_weapon]; sleep 1; _gunner commandWatch _targetPos; _leader selectWeapon "Binocular"; sleep 6; _leader disableAI "ANIM"; _leader commandWatch _targetPos; _leader setDir _dirTo;