Kolos65 / Mockable

A Swift macro driven auto-mocking library.
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Protocol inheritance and composition #24

Closed VisualDeceit closed 3 months ago

VisualDeceit commented 3 months ago

Hello. Is there a way to mocking protocols that combine multiple protocols? I try some like this, but got the error.

protocol ServiceA {
    func fooA()

protocol ServiceB {
    func fooB()

protocol SummaryService: ServiceA, ServiceB {}

Type 'MockSummaryService' does not conform to protocol 'ServiceA' Type 'MockSummaryService' does not conform to protocol 'ServiceB'

Kolos65 commented 3 months ago

Hey @VisualDeceit!

Unfortunately protocol inheritance is not supported. This limitation stems from the nature of peer macros: you simply have no access to any information about the protocols you inherit from so there is no way of conforming to them automatically.

Kolos65 commented 3 months ago

I know its not ideal, but you can conform to the inherited protocols in an extension and still use the generated mock implementation for testing:

extension MockSummaryService {
    func fooA() {}
    func fooB() {}