Komet / MediaElch

Media Manager for Kodi
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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information from actors #1530

Open thivame opened 1 year ago

thivame commented 1 year ago

As a user of another software (which is very good) I found it longer and longer to load as time went by. By chance I found your software and I must admit that I am pleasantly surprised. However I would like to know if it was possible to insert in the NFO links to the photo and the information about the actor? like this for example:

    <name>Paddy Considine</name>
    <role>King Viserys I Targaryen</role>




If this already exists, it doesn't work at my house. Thanks in advance Sincerely ps: sorry for my english

bugwelle commented 1 year ago


we (currently) only support tags that are supported by Kodi as well. As far as I can see, Kodi only supports:


for actors. Do you want those extra details for completeness, for another program (not Kodi) or something else? :-)

Regards, Andre

thivame commented 1 year ago

Hello Andre, In fact I was using tMM for my zidoo (zidoo also works with kodi and another log) to work with the zidoo (I didn't know your software) but tMM became very long to open . Trying your program I start to love it, that's why I would like this. On the Zidoo we can see the photo of the actors but also their profile when we click on the name.

It could be interesting to integrate these tags:

` https://www.themoviedb.org/person/14887

14887` There is one thing that I do not understand, concerning the trailer, why it points on youtube when if we want to recover it sends on HDrailer (which does not find anything in French) why not recover directly on youtube? Thank you for your interest