Komodo / KomodoEdit

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
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Auto-completion attributes not showing when element with colon in it #2582

Open kevinlieser opened 7 years ago

kevinlieser commented 7 years ago

I have an custom RNG schema which works pretty well for auto-completion the elements.

A hint at this point: It would be very nice to specify the cpln_stop_chars in the settings by myself. I needed to edit the file to remove the "." as stop char: /Applications/Komodo\ IDE\ 10.app/Contents/Resources/distribution/bundles/html_language@ActiveState.com/pylib/lang_html.py Line 121 cpln_stop_chars = "'\" ;,~@#%^&*()=+{}]|\,<>?/"`

The problem

The auto-completion of my elements works now. But the problem is, that the auto-completion of the element attributes do not work when there is a colon in the elements name like f:form.select. When I edit my RNG file and name the element just fform.select the attribute auto-completion works nice.

Platform Information

Komodo IDE 10.2.1 macOS Sierra 10.12.5 Beta 5 (because of the crashing problem – BTW: until now no crashes)

bildschirmfoto 2017-05-04 um 17 10 27 bildschirmfoto 2017-05-04 um 17 10 03

kevinlieser commented 7 years ago

Can you please tell me where I have to look for the working methods? I would like to fix that problem before version 11 gets released. Is it maybe

/Applications/Komodo IDE 10.app/Contents/Resources/components/koCodeIntel.py or /Applications/Komodo IDE 10.app/Contents/Resources/components/koCodeBrowser.py (here are the icon SVG files referenced).

Can you please tell me where the auto-complete window open/suggestion logic is handled?

Naatan commented 7 years ago

CodeIntel is being almost entirely rewritten for 11, so it is not a component for which we could accept pull requests at this stage. That said I'll retarget for 11 to let @mitchell-as evaluate whether it is feasible to fix this in that timeframe.

kevinlieser commented 7 years ago

Can you please tell me anyway where the auto-complete window open/suggestion logic is handled? I would like to fix this issue for myself. Now, with Komodo 10.

When will version 11 get released?

Naatan commented 7 years ago

Part of the reason CodeIntel is being rewritten is because currently this mechanic is incredibly convoluted. Finding the code to modify is what 99% of the task would be here. Once the new CodeIntel is implemented that should not longer be the case. I'm sorry I cannot be of more help. @mitchell-as feel free to add something if you can.

I cannot give an official release date for 11, but I can say that it will be this year. We'll have a pre-release in the not so distant future.

mitchell-as commented 7 years ago

I do not understand Komodo's underlying XML catalog engine, but I'm pretty sure the ':' indicates an XML namespace, and those are probably separate sections in the catalog and need to be specified in a special way that I do not know. Sorry to be so vague :(