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Linux version timeouts when trying connect to FTP server. #3126

Open edwardjong2 opened 6 years ago

edwardjong2 commented 6 years ago

Short Summary

Linux version timeouts when trying connect to FTP server.

Steps to Reproduce

1 Click on Preference in the middle of the screen. 2 Click on Servers and enter the credentials for ftps.activatestate.com 3 Click on the hamburger menu and select Open->Remote File 4 In Open File, select the ‘Test’ Server

Expected results

1 The files from the 'Test Server' should be accessible.

Actual results

1 The Komodo screen will darken. 2 6 The Komodo will display the following JavaScript Application error message: Error: ‘timed out’ preference_remote_accounts open_remote_files_dark open_remote_files_timeout

Platform Information

Komodo IDE, version 11.0.0 build 90667, platform linux-x86_64. Built on Fri Sep 15 15:48:05 2017.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Additional Information


There is no problem when using ftp to get to the ftp server. $ ftp ftps.activestate.com Connected to ftps.activestate.com. 220 NASFTPD Turbo station 1.3.5a Server (ProFTPD) Name (ftps.activestate.com:edwardj): qa 331 Password required for qa Password: 230 User qa logged in Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> exit 221 Goodbye.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

The issue here is not the timeout but rather the fact that Komodo's UI is blocked by it.