Komodo / KomodoEdit

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
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Komodo Keeps Crashing #3189

Open sgtcoder opened 7 years ago

sgtcoder commented 7 years ago

Short Summary

Komodo IDE 11 still crashes constantly just like Komodo 10: Email: mike@mjbcode.com. Log File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/socket.py", line 224, in meth return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args) gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

Steps to Reproduce

Use Komodo IDE 10 or 11 for more than 30 minutes

Expected results

Application does not crash

Actual results

Application constantly crashes

Platform Information

Komodo Edit or IDE? IDE Komodo Version? 11 Operating System (and version)? Xubuntu LTS

Additional Information

Naatan commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report @mjbrancato. The crash reports unfortunately don't tell me much other than it is likely a threading issue.

Are you using remote files or version control by any chance? Those would be the two most likely culprits.

DEklof commented 7 years ago

I am having the same issue. I have no real use for the new features of Komodo 11, in fact some, like the symbol tables (that works only in Safe mode on my installation), I consider to be inferior to Komodo 10 version. I purchased V11 anyway in hopes that the crashing problem had been fixed. It has not. The constant crashes and restarts put a serious dent in my productivity. There is an old adage "Early Christians get the hungriest lions", and I think that applies to purchasers of early releases of complex software. I bought V10 in late 2016 and the crashing, which did not occur in V8, still is not fixed in V10. V11 is the same.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

Please let's stay on-topic. I'm sorry to hear you don't like the upgrade, let's try and fix the issues that are not by-design.

Same question for you: Are you using remote files or version control by any chance?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I do work with remote files from time to time, but I also work out of the GIT path as well using the Komodo Project Publishing Tools. I don't use Komodo's version control because there is no GitFlow support and projects are harder to manage so I use SmartGit.

Is there anything else I can provide? It usually happens when I run it for awhile or sometimes when waking up from sleep. The early versions of 9 and 10 didn't have this issue.

I also need to figure out how to get notified on your responses as well.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

You may not use Komodo's version control but it is still active. Can you try disabling it under Preferences > Source Code Control > Git (checkbox next to the name). See if that stops the crashes?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I did like that you implemented a version control feature, but yes, I never touched it or used it so that isn't a problem to disable. I disabled GIT and I guess Bazaar existed too so I disabled that too. Only thing I can do is let you know if there are no crashes.

Thank you.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

Be sure to also let me know if there are NO crashes. That'd tell me the issue is with version control.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I will, I didn't have any crashes today before disabling version control, but I wasn't actively working on any files (Usually, I keep Komodo open along with all my other apps during a work week).

Let me use it for a good active week, and if there are no crashes, then we can assume it's version control. I will investigate some things on my end as well and report my findings.

Was Bazaar a feature of Komodo 9? And how about a feature of the very early versions of Komodo 10 and/or enabled by default if installed on system?

Naatan commented 6 years ago

Bazaar has been in Komodo for as long as the other VCS systems have. I think it was introduced back in version 5 or around that time.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I don't recall it crashing on my laptop and Bazaar option is greyed out because it's not on that Laptop.

My desktop is sometimes a guinea pig since I make a lot of modifications and then replicate the working ones to the laptop. So some package I might have been using was dependent on Bazaar. I am going to enable GIT and keep Bazaar disabled.

I will report my findings in a few days. If it still crashes with Bazaar disabled, I will disable GIT too. This is a quicker way for me to test it, since we think that disabling Version Control is the issue. Meaning if it was GIT issue, then it should crash with GIT enabled.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

I'm confused, why do you think Bazaar is related? You said you use GIT.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

Bazaar is enabled on my desktop and not on my laptop (Bazaar shouldn't even be on my computers, I never knew it existed). I don't recall my laptop crashing? And it was recent with the later versions of Komodo 10 and on.

GIT is enabled on both systems, but I do not use the GIT feature in Komodo at all. You do know your software better though since you guys developed it. I just have a strange reverse troubleshooting process. Like what if I disable and the next crash is in a week or it doesn't crash anymore and we say it is a GIT issue, but what if it's not? They happen randomly, sometimes every 45 minutes, sometimes they take awhile. Or it depends on how much I am interacting. I will collect all my findings and report back to you.

And you mentioned it might be a version control issue, so I figured that we would just rule out Bazaar first since it's not even on my laptop? Or does it not even work unless the directory is initialized for Bazaar, but it would then have to have an autocheck feature to see if the project is Bazaar capable?

Naatan commented 6 years ago

Whether you use it is not really relevant, if the feature is enabled and Komodo sees your files use this VCS then it will activate that functionality. I would suggest you try disabling Git, from what you've described I don't see Bazaar being an issue as it doesn't sound like you actually use Bazaar.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I will do that as well. Wasn't trying to argue, sorry, just trying to quickly troubleshoot. Honestly, I think disabling all that will clean up and remove some of the stuff that I don't need (like telling me a file is not committed in a different colour).

Definitely boosting development productivity with all these new features and fixes!

Komodo 11 is not bad at all, despite if it appears like I have a lack of appreciation. Just a few issues like everything else on first launch, but a couple minor versions will make it the best. :-)

Naatan commented 6 years ago

I will do that as well. Wasn't trying to argue, sorry, just trying to quickly troubleshoot.

Oh sorry, I didn't mean to come across as argumentative. I tend to just be a bit to the point .. :p

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

No, I didn't mean that, sorry. I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't. People usually see me as an argumentative person if I don't do what they say immediately with no side comments.

Glad we are alike in that aspect (straight to the point).

Naatan commented 6 years ago

As long as you remain constructive with your feedback I don't mind at all :)

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

@Naatan so I disabled GIT and Bazaar and after about 5 to 6 hours of using it, it crashed again.

It was right when I pressed Ctrl + Home it just crashed.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

Ok, next could you try disabling Preferences > Editor > Confirmation Dialogs > Detect when files are changed outside the environment

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I disabled that feature and restarted Komodo. I will let you know.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I got another crash even with the Version Control and detect when files are changed are disabled.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

How much time went between those crashes?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

Usually about an hour, but seems less lately. But, I haven't been working on much code this week so it's hard to tell. I will have to get back to you. It's usually when I am actively working on Komodo.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

Can you try disabling Preferences > Editor > Confirmation Dialogs > Detect when files are changed outside the environment.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

@Naatan I had already disabled that 7 days ago :-) http://prntscr.com/gw5dp8

Naatan commented 6 years ago

Hmm alright. Do you regularly use debugging? What's your general workflow when you're actively using Komodo?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I don't use debugging tools although that would be futuristic for me (nice to use if I could).

General WorkFlow task:

Once changes are good, I use SmartGit with a feature branch (I use GitFlow) to commit my work, then finish feature. Then push changes to GIT.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

I see. The publishing would be a suspect here, does the crash happen to correlate to a push by chance?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I never got a crash with Publishing/Saving. I may sometimes have failed attempts at publishing, but I found a work around that I mentioned in the other issue thread.

I want to say it's when I am mainly scrolling, or one time I pressed Ctrl + Home to get to the top of the page and it crashed? Or sometimes when I switch to another file to reference too while I am working on another one. I feel it does it more when I am heavily using it (nothing crazy, maybe 5-8 tabs open).

DEklof commented 6 years ago

I have been following this dialog and have tried all of the fixes suggested. Komodo still crashes frequently. I have been working using debugging for the last 4 hours and have had to restart at least 5 times. The problem is even worse than it was in V10.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

Does it happen when you aren't debugging?

DEklof commented 6 years ago

Worked with Komodo11.0.1 all day today with NO crashes. Hooray! Now if I could just get an alphabetical version of the simbol table in the right pane I would be a happy camper.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

Hit the cog > "Sort Alphabetically" :)

Naatan commented 6 years ago

@codermjb can you check if 11.0.1 solved your issue also?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago


I had about 12 tabs open today nothing big in size and I was writing a MySQL query in the code, where it just all of a sudden crashed and I lost my work.

Komodo IDE, version 11.0.1, build 90791, platform linux-x86_64. Built on Mon Oct 16 00:31:11 2017.

Naatan commented 6 years ago

@codermjb Is this the first crash since last you responded?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

@Naatan Yes, but I haven't used it since. I am using it for a little bit for today (work has been a little different lately for me). I also will check to see if I got your latest update that isn't nightly build. I am assuming that right now the latest release was OTA and is not in the nightly builds repo? If so, I might need to check for updates via Help since it didn't prompt me.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I got another crash today when I switched a tab. I only had about 4 or 5 tabs open and it crashed.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

Still continues to crash, loosing all my important code and having to reopen everything including the projects and finding the paths to all my individual several files I have. The autosave feature you have does not always work. And even when it prompts you, it doesn't open where you left off usually.

I feel it's something to do with how Komodo handles files. I think it's something with that syntax file checker that likes to scan thousands of files constantly. There isn't even a way to reduce this.

And now there is an update that if I press enter it adds random code like exp; and POST. Like seriously, I did not type that so don't randomly put code in at the end of my line ;

Naatan commented 6 years ago

That sounds like https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit/issues/3506

Have you experimented with turning off syntax checkers?