Komodo / KomodoEdit

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
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"Edit matching delimiter on select" copy puts two copies in clipboard #3371

Open mjross opened 6 years ago

mjross commented 6 years ago


Edit > Preferences > Editor > Smart Editing > "Edit matching delimiter on select" is great for cutting in half the time and keystrokes required to change the name of an HTML element. But when the element name is selected and copied to the system clipboard, Komodo IDE puts two copies of the element name in the clipboard, which is annoying when trying to copy and paste the element name somewhere else.

Steps to Reproduce

Help > Troubleshooting > Restart in Safe-Mode. In an HTML file, find or create an HTML element that is not self-closing, e.g., <p>text</p>. Select the element name in the open-tag (i.e., the first "p"). Both p's are selected, as expected. Edit > Copy. Click elsewhere in the file (or a different file) to move the edit cursor. Edit > Paste.

Expected Results

"p" should be pasted.

Actual Results

"pp" is pasted.

Platform Information

Komodo IDE 11.0.1 build 90797 on Windows 10.0.16299.19 Pro

mitchell-as commented 6 years ago

Hi, this is a side-effect of copying with multiple selections (any multiple selections, not just HTML tags). As a workaround, press Escape to collapse the selection to a single one before copying.

mjross commented 6 years ago

Thank you!