Komodo / KomodoEdit

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
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Publishing no longer works #3513

Open sgtcoder opened 6 years ago

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

DEV NOTE: Looks like publishing doesn't play nice with symlinks

Short Summary

Whenever you create a new project and then a new publishing, the cloud icon no longer appears and you can't publish files. Publishing is now broke.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a project, then create a publishing and map the folders, check upload files upon save.

Expected results

Cloud icon to show and to be able to upload files.

Actual results

Can't upload files and no cloud icon.

Platform Information

Komodo Edit or IDE? IDE Komodo Version? 11.0.2 Build 90813 Operating System (and version)? Xubuntu LTS

Additional Information

Sometimes if you delete the project file and the publishing, you can redo it and it works. Sometimes not, this time it does not and it does not work.

No Icon (and greyed out option for publishing): http://prntscr.com/itwoox Configured correctly: http://prntscr.com/itwp4w

th3coop commented 6 years ago

@codermjb could you try to narrow it down to what steps seem to break it? I've been working on publishing for a couple days now and it's working fine and i'm not aware of anyone else reporting that it's broken in 11.0.2.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

@cgchoffman I listed it out in the report I sent, with screenshots.

Simply create a project, then create a publishing configuration. Syncing cloud does not show on the files and you can't upload the file you want.

Maybe you can make a tutorial? I have created over several hundred configuration files in the past and never had this problem until about a couple weeks ago.

th3coop commented 6 years ago

But you followed up at the end of your report with

Sometimes if you delete the project file and the publishing, you can redo it and it works. Sometimes not, this time it does not and it does not work.

So it some times works and it some times doesn't. It's 100% working for me (and evidently everyone else) so I need more details.

Reproduce the issue and grab your logs and share them, that might show us something.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago
[2018-03-20 10:35:35,214] [INFO] Startup: Welcome to Komodo IDE 11.0.2 build 90813 (platform linux-x86_64, running on Linux 4.4.0-116-generic version #140-Ubuntu SMP Mon Feb 12 21:23:04 UTC 2018)
[2018-03-20 10:35:35,214] [INFO] Startup: /usr/bin/python built on Mon Dec 4 00:26:33 2017
[2018-03-20 10:35:35,258] [INFO] koInitService: Setting LC_CTYPE to utf-8
[2018-03-20 10:35:35,459] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm:381
[2018-03-20 10:35:35,495] [WARNING] root: [object Object].logging has been converted to a CommonJS module; use require("ko/logging") instead (since Komodo 9.0.0a1).

[2018-03-20 10:35:35,803] [ERROR] console-logger: bad script XDR magic number (0) in :0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 0, in 

[2018-03-20 10:35:35,941] [WARNING] keybindings: [Ctrl+0] was used for 'cmd_goToQuickBookmark_0', overriding to use 'cmd_fontZoomReset'
[2018-03-20 10:35:36,053] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget unittest-widget
[2018-03-20 10:35:36,062] [WARNING] ko.widgets: Could not restore widget symbolbrowser-widget
[2018-03-20 10:35:36,149] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/11
[2018-03-20 10:35:36,273] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'koFileStatusService': '@activestate.com/koFileStatusService;1'
[2018-03-20 10:35:36,365] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Spell checker loaded.
[2018-03-20 10:35:36,365] [INFO] komodospellchecker: Using dictionary en-US
[2018-03-20 10:35:36,368] [INFO] elastic_tabstops: Elastic tabstops loaded.
[2018-03-20 10:35:36,404] [INFO] codeintel/process: Starting CodeIntel
[2018-03-20 10:35:36,405] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: PYTHONPATH: /home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/bin/../lib/python2.7:/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/support/dbgp/pythonlib:/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/extensions/codeintel@activestate.com/content/../pylib/codeintel/lib:/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/extensions/codeintel@activestate.com/content/../pylib/codeintel/env/lib
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,763] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,764] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,764] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,765] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,766] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,766] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in file:///home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koLessProtocolHandler.js:154
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * matchesUri(in unicode &, out retval boolean);'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/extensions/publishing@ActiveState.com/components/koPublishingSettings.py", line 272, in matchesUri
    uri = unquote(uri)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/urllib.py", line 1223, in unquote
    bits = s.split('%')
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,970] [ERROR] commands: doing _updateCommand: cmd_publishingOpenDialog: 
[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [koIPublishingSettings.matchesUri]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js :: ko_pub_getSettingsForUri :: line 124"  data: no]
+ QueryInterface (function) 3 lines
+ message (string) 'Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [koIPublishingSettings.matchesUri]'
+ result (number) 2147500037
+ name (string) 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE'
+ filename (string) 'chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js'
+ lineNumber (number) 124
+ columnNumber (number) 0
+ location (object) JS frame :: chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js :: ko_pub_getSettingsForUri :: line 124
| + QueryInterface (function) 3 lines
| + language (number) 2
| + languageName (string) 'JavaScript'
| + filename (string) 'chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js'
| + name (string) 'ko_pub_getSettingsForUri'
| + lineNumber (number) 124
| + columnNumber (number) 16
| + sourceLine (string) ''
| + caller (object) JS frame :: chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js :: PublishingController.prototype.is_cmd_publishingOpenDialog_enabled :: line 340
| + formattedStack (string) 'ko_pub_getSettingsForUri@chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js:124:16
PublishingController.proto'...446 chars
| + inner (object) null
| + data (object) null
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,991] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,991] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,992] [WARNING] console-logger: XUL box for tab element contained an inline #text child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block. (1) in chrome://unittest/content/views/panel.xul:0
[2018-03-20 10:35:39,059] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'KoMemoryReporter': '@activestate.com/koMemoryReporter;1'
[2018-03-20 10:35:39,066] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'koCommandmentService': '@activestate.com/koCommandmentService;1'
[2018-03-20 10:35:39,067] [INFO] koInitService: Adding pre startup service for 'koDBGPManager': '@activestate.com/koDBGPManager;1'
[2018-03-20 10:35:39,619] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: http://docs.komodoide.com/__omnigollum__/auth/github?origin=%2Fcreate%2Fchangelog%2F11 (404)
[2018-03-20 10:35:39,619] [DEBUG] ko.launch: versioncheck on http://docs.komodoide.com/changelog/110
[2018-03-20 10:35:40,026] [WARNING] console-logger: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]] value using Object.create (1) in file:///home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koamAddonManager.js:138
[2018-03-20 10:35:40,099] [DEBUG] ko.launch: Response: http://docs.komodoide.com/__omnigollum__/auth/github?origin=%2Fcreate%2Fchangelog%2F110 (404)
[2018-03-20 10:35:41,590] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: stdout: 


[2018-03-20 10:35:41,591] [INFO] codeintel/process: CodeIntel started on port 59695
[2018-03-20 10:35:41,591] [DEBUG] codeintel/process: Calling callbacks for: started, number: 1
[2018-03-20 10:35:46,653] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:35:46,656] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:35:46,656] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:35:46,656] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:35:46,657] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:35:46,664] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:35:46,665] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:35:46,666] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:35:46,671] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:36:11,459] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: tab is undefined (2) in viewbrowser:133
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "viewbrowser", line 133, in 

[2018-03-20 10:36:11,489] [ERROR] ko.widgets: 
+ 0 (number) 2147500033
[2018-03-20 10:36:11,741] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: tab is undefined (2) in viewbrowser:133
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "viewbrowser", line 133, in 

[2018-03-20 10:36:11,767] [ERROR] ko.widgets: 
+ 0 (number) 2147500033
[2018-03-20 10:36:18,486] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:36:18,487] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:36:18,487] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:36:18,487] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:36:18,487] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:36:18,488] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:36:18,489] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:36:18,489] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:36:18,489] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:37:06,909] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:06,909] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:06,910] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:06,910] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:06,910] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:37:06,911] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:06,911] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:06,912] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:06,912] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:37:07,054] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:07,054] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:07,055] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:07,055] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:07,055] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:37:07,055] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:07,055] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:07,056] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:07,056] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:37:08,502] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:08,502] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:08,502] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:08,502] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:08,503] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:37:08,503] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:08,503] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:08,503] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:37:08,504] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:38:23,030] [ERROR] koSFTPConnection: SFTP close ERROR: Could not acquire remote connection lock. Multi-threaded access detected!
[2018-03-20 10:38:23,030] [WARNING] koPublishing: Error closing the sync connection: Exception(2147500037L,)
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * callback(in int32, in nsISomething);'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/komodo/koAsyncOperationUtils.py", line 74, in callback
    self.real_callback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * run();'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 237, in run
    self.result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 62, in notifyCallback
    aOpCallback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)
Exception in thread Publishing:: synchronize:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 763, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 97, in __run
    self.notifyCallback(aOpCallback, self.RESULT_ERROR, e)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 263, in wrapperFn
    threadMgr.mainThread.dispatch(method, dispatch_flags)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'dispatch'>", line 3, in dispatch
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)

[2018-03-20 10:38:23,033] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: this.tree is null (2) in chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js:631
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js", line 631, in 

[2018-03-20 10:40:51,263] [ERROR] koSFTPConnection: SFTP do_getDirectoryList ERROR: Permission denied
[2018-03-20 10:40:53,768] [ERROR] koSFTPConnection: SFTP do_getDirectoryList ERROR: Permission denied
[2018-03-20 10:43:14,875] [ERROR] koSFTPConnection: SFTP close ERROR: Could not acquire remote connection lock. Multi-threaded access detected!
[2018-03-20 10:43:14,875] [WARNING] koPublishing: Error closing the sync connection: Exception(2147500037L,)
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * callback(in int32, in nsISomething);'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/komodo/koAsyncOperationUtils.py", line 74, in callback
    self.real_callback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * run();'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 237, in run
    self.result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 62, in notifyCallback
    aOpCallback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)
Exception in thread Publishing:: synchronize:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 763, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 97, in __run
    self.notifyCallback(aOpCallback, self.RESULT_ERROR, e)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 263, in wrapperFn
    threadMgr.mainThread.dispatch(method, dispatch_flags)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'dispatch'>", line 3, in dispatch
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)

[2018-03-20 10:43:14,877] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: this.tree is null (2) in chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js:631
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js", line 631, in 

[2018-03-20 10:45:56,028] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_closed event
[2018-03-20 10:45:56,109] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_opened event
[2018-03-20 10:49:58,030] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_closed event
[2018-03-20 10:49:58,092] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_opened event
[2018-03-20 10:50:09,297] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:09,298] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:09,298] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:09,298] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:09,298] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:50:09,299] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:09,299] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:09,300] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:09,300] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:50:18,860] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_closed event
[2018-03-20 10:50:18,929] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_opened event
[2018-03-20 10:50:52,906] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:52,908] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:52,908] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:52,908] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:52,909] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:50:52,911] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:52,911] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:52,911] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:50:52,912] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,418] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,419] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,419] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,419] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,420] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,420] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,421] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,421] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,422] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,617] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,617] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,617] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,617] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,617] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,618] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,618] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,618] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:51:58,619] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:52:09,552] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:52:09,553] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:52:09,553] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:52:09,553] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:52:09,553] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:52:09,554] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:52:09,554] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:52:09,555] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:52:09,555] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:53:07,475] [ERROR] koSFTPConnection: SFTP close ERROR: Could not acquire remote connection lock. Multi-threaded access detected!
[2018-03-20 10:53:07,475] [WARNING] koPublishing: Error closing the sync connection: Exception(2147500037L,)
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * callback(in int32, in nsISomething);'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/komodo/koAsyncOperationUtils.py", line 74, in callback
    self.real_callback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * run();'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 237, in run
    self.result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 62, in notifyCallback
    aOpCallback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)
Exception in thread Publishing:: synchronize:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 763, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 97, in __run
    self.notifyCallback(aOpCallback, self.RESULT_ERROR, e)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 263, in wrapperFn
    threadMgr.mainThread.dispatch(method, dispatch_flags)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'dispatch'>", line 3, in dispatch
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)

[2018-03-20 10:53:07,477] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: this.tree is null (2) in chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js:631
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js", line 631, in 

[2018-03-20 10:53:17,568] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:17,568] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:17,569] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:17,569] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:17,569] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:53:17,570] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:17,570] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:17,570] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:17,571] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:53:19,178] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:19,178] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:19,178] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:19,179] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:19,179] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:53:19,179] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:19,179] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:19,180] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:19,180] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:53:25,798] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XHTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:25,799] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Text Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:25,799] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:25,799] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Laravel Blade Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:25,799] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'SGML'
[2018-03-20 10:53:25,800] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django XML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:25,800] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Smarty Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:25,800] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'Django HTML Template'
[2018-03-20 10:53:25,801] [WARNING] koLanguage: Asked for unknown language: 'UDL'
[2018-03-20 10:53:29,406] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_closed event
[2018-03-20 10:53:29,471] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_opened event
[2018-03-20 10:53:42,789] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_closed event
[2018-03-20 10:53:42,856] [WARNING] views: Inconsistent view count in view_opened event
[2018-03-20 10:55:36,798] [ERROR] view.editor: 
TypeError: ko.dbg.manager.currentSession.dbg is null
+ stack
[2018-03-20 10:55:44,451] [ERROR] koSFTPConnection: SFTP do_getDirectoryList ERROR: Permission denied
[2018-03-20 10:55:46,233] [ERROR] koSFTPConnection: SFTP do_getDirectoryList ERROR: Permission denied
[2018-03-20 10:57:16,716] [ERROR] view.editor: 
TypeError: ko.dbg.manager.currentSession.dbg is null
+ stack
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * run();'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 237, in run
    self.result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/extensions/publishing@ActiveState.com/components/koPublishing.py", line 584, in notifySyncItem
    self.real_callback.notifySyncItem(syncType, relpath)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'notifySyncItem'>", line 3, in notifySyncItem
[2018-03-20 11:02:49,384] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: this.tree is null (2) in chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js:619
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js", line 619, in 

ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * callback(in int32, in nsISomething);'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/komodo/koAsyncOperationUtils.py", line 74, in callback
    self.real_callback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * run();'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 237, in run
    self.result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 62, in notifyCallback
    aOpCallback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)
Exception in thread Publishing:: synchronize:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 763, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 97, in __run
    self.notifyCallback(aOpCallback, self.RESULT_ERROR, e)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 263, in wrapperFn
    threadMgr.mainThread.dispatch(method, dispatch_flags)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'dispatch'>", line 3, in dispatch
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)

[2018-03-20 11:02:49,457] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: this.tree is null (2) in chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js:619
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js", line 619, in 

ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * run();'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 237, in run
    self.result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/extensions/publishing@ActiveState.com/components/koPublishing.py", line 584, in notifySyncItem
    self.real_callback.notifySyncItem(syncType, relpath)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'notifySyncItem'>", line 3, in notifySyncItem
[2018-03-20 11:17:09,635] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: this.tree is null (2) in chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js:619
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js", line 619, in 

ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * callback(in int32, in nsISomething);'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/komodo/koAsyncOperationUtils.py", line 74, in callback
    self.real_callback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * run();'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 237, in run
    self.result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 62, in notifyCallback
    aOpCallback.callback(result, data)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'callback'>", line 3, in callback
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)
Exception in thread Publishing:: synchronize:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 763, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/components/koAsyncOperations.py", line 97, in __run
    self.notifyCallback(aOpCallback, self.RESULT_ERROR, e)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/components.py", line 263, in wrapperFn
    threadMgr.mainThread.dispatch(method, dispatch_flags)
  File "<XPCOMObject method 'dispatch'>", line 3, in dispatch
Exception: 2147500037 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)

[2018-03-20 11:17:09,708] [ERROR] console-logger: TypeError: this.tree is null (2) in chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js:619
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://publishing/content/publish-dialog.js", line 619, in 
th3coop commented 6 years ago
ERROR:xpcom:Unhandled exception calling 'int8 * matchesUri(in unicode &, out retval boolean);'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/python/xpcom/server/policy.py", line 303, in _CallMethod_
    return 0, func(*params)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/mozilla/extensions/publishing@ActiveState.com/components/koPublishingSettings.py", line 272, in matchesUri
    uri = unquote(uri)
  File "/home/mjbrancato/Komodo-IDE-11/lib/python/lib/python2.7/urllib.py", line 1223, in unquote
    bits = s.split('%')
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
[2018-03-20 10:35:37,970] [ERROR] commands: doing _updateCommand: cmd_publishingOpenDialog: 
[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [koIPublishingSettings.matchesUri]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js :: ko_pub_getSettingsForUri :: line 124"  data: no]
+ QueryInterface (function) 3 lines
+ message (string) 'Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [koIPublishingSettings.matchesUri]'
+ result (number) 2147500037
+ name (string) 'NS_ERROR_FAILURE'
+ filename (string) 'chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js'
+ lineNumber (number) 124
+ columnNumber (number) 0
+ location (object) JS frame :: chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js :: ko_pub_getSettingsForUri :: line 124
| + QueryInterface (function) 3 lines
| + language (number) 2
| + languageName (string) 'JavaScript'
| + filename (string) 'chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js'
| + name (string) 'ko_pub_getSettingsForUri'
| + lineNumber (number) 124
| + columnNumber (number) 16
| + sourceLine (string) ''
| + caller (object) JS frame :: chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js :: PublishingController.prototype.is_cmd_publishingOpenDialog_enabled :: line 340
| + formattedStack (string) 'ko_pub_getSettingsForUri@chrome://publishing/content/publishing.js:124:16
PublishingController.proto'...446 chars
| + inner (object) null
| + data (object) null

I guess this. What's the path look like that you've configured for the local side of the sync?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I think you are right as it looks like it ^^^

No Icon (and greyed out option for publishing): http://prntscr.com/itwoox Configured correctly: http://prntscr.com/itwp4w

And I got it working after deleting project file and publishing and creating it 3x.

th3coop commented 6 years ago

Is it only this project? That path looks like it could cause some bugs if your (our) path parsing code isn't working correctly.
Do you have other publishing accounts that are working? What changed recently that you might correlate to this feature no longer working?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

@cgchoffman any new projects that I add lately. I had about 5 of them so far. And it takes like 20 minutes configuring each one 2-3 times.

And if I move the project file and open from there, it disconnects the publishing which requires me to have to repeat the process.

What's wrong with my path? They both match to the same directory. Not sure I follow there.

I never had this issue with the previous hundreds and hundreds of projects I worked on in Komodo.

And I don't know. I have many issues with Komodo. Crashing, adding random code in my file when pressing return, Publishing issues, updating issues with XML errors. It just keeps getting more and more buggier for me. I might be better off going back to Komodo 9.

You guys still never told me about the requirements to run Komodo. Like Python? What Version? What dependencies?

The only thing I can think of is my data directory has always been on Dropbox so I can sync my stuff. It needs to be both local and on the cloud.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

I might just mount a SSH drive to the data path to komodo data to my Web server so I can connect to it from anywhere.

But can two computers work simultaneously out of the same data directory? Like if I left a copy open on my desktop and then went somewhere else with my laptop?

That's the only thing I can think of for the issues is it's syncing into each other and Dropbox creating multiple conflicted copies.

th3coop commented 6 years ago

What's wrong with my path? They both match to the same directory. Not sure I follow there.

Nothing is wrong with your path theoretically. We've had issues with paths before though it was a couple years ago and they were resolved. The error above is complaining about the URI being passed to the function. Makes me wonder if the issue is in our path parser somewhere.

And I don't know.

So nothing has changed? Publishing just stopped working? If you didn't upgrade Komodo then the issue must be stemming from something on your system. Is there anything you can think of there? Permissions issues? Slight variations in config settings for publishing?

adding random code in my file when pressing return

If you're having issues then hit us up in the forums. This issue is complicated enough as is so if you need additional help ask in the forums. I'm guess this is Auto Abbreviations..

You guys still never told me about the requirements to run Komodo. Like Python? What Version? What dependencies?

I don't recall you asking about this: http://docs.activestate.com/komodo/11/get/linux/

You don't need Python. Komodo ships with it's own Python run time.

th3coop commented 6 years ago

Your last comment is pretty far out of scope for this ticket. I can tell you that Komodo doesn't keep a handle to an open file. It only opens files for saving once the file has been loaded.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

Path issue

That's interesting. Maybe it's too long? Well for me everything is on Dropbox and I have Dropbox on a separate 1TB hard drive mounted in my fstab. I have full rw access to it. I have noticed when using FileBot that is says permission denied. But, everything else works with it. I wish I was able to help you more.


When Komodo 11 first came out I was on nightly builds due to some of the urgent fixes needed (thank you for those btw). Ever since then, I have been always updating with the latest Komodo. As far as system changes, I mean I do install software, upgrade everything constantly, and run cleanups. I prefer the very stable LTS release of Xubuntu since a few years ago, so since that the OS has been very stable (I am so close to just ditching Ubuntu and going to CentOS for the stability and experience I have been getting and seen with all my CentOS servers). I mean my system could probably be rebuilt, but it's not likely due to the very complex customization I have done for years. Not to mention some of the Komodo issues do happen on my laptop which was a fresh build.

Random code

I think it's autocomplete. I like having the feature, but recently it started to autocomplete end of lines with extra stuff. I am sure it's a setting I can disable to make less aggressive. I will try to take a screenshot, it';s just lightshot doesn't take screenshots of tooltips, popups, etc.


I don't think I asked for it directly like that. I think I might have said do I need this and you mentioned that it was included. But, thank you for that prereqs sheet. I will go over my system to make sure the versions are there, I do use most of those prereqs for other things.

I wish things were easy to rebuild. Now that I have so much more experience I think I can probably rebuild a prod desktop environment using CentOS, I had many issues in the past with nVidia drivers and wanting the latest Kernels. Definitely beats Mac OS X or Windows.

Last comment

Sorry, I only brought it up as a possible issue that could be causing issues. But, nice to know there are no locks to them.

th3coop commented 6 years ago

I just noticed another error in your logs that reminds me of another issue: [2018-03-20 10:53:07,475] [ERROR] koSFTPConnection: SFTP close ERROR: Could not acquire remote connection lock. Multi-threaded access detected!

I have another issue open with this: https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit/issues/1854

I thought you had mentioned you tried restarting Komodo but I don't see it now that I ctrl+f for restart. Does a restart fix this? If Yes and you can subsequently reproduce the issue can you try to pay close attention to the actions your perform before hitting it again?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

@cgchoffman I am not sure what that is from. But, I usually restart Komodo and all.

I just spent the last 2 days rebuilding my machine from CentOS Minimal. So I will be using Komodo a lot more.

So I think one issue is the cloud icons don't show, but publishing is available. There isn't a way to refresh to show the icons until you manually push the file. I tried refresh status, closing and reopening, but still no.

Here is a screenshot: http://i.prntscr.com/B7ROt_kISfydNj6A9qyinA.png

th3coop commented 6 years ago

Wait a minute, this isn't that issue where you won't do an initiate sync because it takes too long is it?

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago


I don't ever want to do an initial sync. Some sites are over 12GB and I don't want to sync. The files are also autodeployed usually through DeployBot. I only want certain files locally for GIT. I don't want to add thousands of excludes, and have to modify the entire publishing configuration to add individual files that I may be working on. Or different paths. That's exponentially complicated and unneeded.

I know you try to force people to use only 1-way workflow to use it in only one certain way, but your workflow doesn't work for everyone else (and there were others that commented and created issues on this too). You said I can't use FTP without Publishing, and now I use Publishing, but now you are saying I have to do FULL SYNC for everything and I DO NOT want that and never ever want that in any project I work on.

A simple fix would be refreshing the status of the files when you choose 'refresh status'

th3coop commented 6 years ago

Then this is working as expected. You sync one file, then Komodo only knows about that one file.

A simple fix would be refreshing the status of the files when you choose 'refresh status'

This suggestion implies doing a sync of all your files. There is no other way Komodo can know the state of the remote files without first doing an initial check. There is no actionable item here.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

@cgchoffman It never used to work that way. Whenever I created a publishing configuration on 9, 10, and earlier 11, immediately the local files showed the cloud icons next to it without even doing a sync or initial sync.

UPDATE Oh look, now it refreshed even though I never synced: http://i.prntscr.com/zSVm2YVXQGijz8IRll2V4w.png

th3coop commented 6 years ago

Oh looks like you're right. I'll reopen. I've put a lot of time into this ticket and as far as I can tell something changed on your end and i'm going to need you to try and figure out what changed. I can't test different paths on your machine. It's pretty clear that it is the configured local URI so please see if you can find a path that works and a path that does not then narrow the cap to what in those paths might be causing the issue. Other than that, i'm not sure how else i can help here.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

Sorry about that. Well I tried it on CentOS 7 and Xubuntu 16.04 as well and similiar issues with Publishing. I will keep an eye out for it and let you know. It might even be something I can do, but it's hard since I don't know everything under the hood about Komodo. The only thing I didn't do was a fresh data directory for Komodo so I wonder if anything in there went bad.

th3coop commented 6 years ago

but it's hard since I don't know everything under the hood about Komodo

Don't worry about what Komodo is doing. That's why i'm saying focus on the configured local path. Did you confirm that configuring a path that is not in dropbox works or not? What about a path that is not on that external mounted drive? What about a path in those locations but with out spaces or dashes or other non alpha numeric characters? Find the simplest scenario that reproduces the issue then tell me. We need the trigger that is making Komodo choke, then I'll fix what makes Komodo choke.

Something else I'm interested in is the following. When Komodo is showing these symptoms can you open the JS console (View > Tabs & Sidebars > Console) and run the following commands and post the results back here. The following commands assume you have a file open in Komodo that is under the configured publishing directory:

var view = ko.views.manager.currentView;
var file = (view && view.koDoc && view.koDoc.file);
sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

@cgchoffman ahh I see. Thank you for clarifying and detailing it out for me. This is definitely helpful. I will let you know.

And yes, I am in a mounted drive that syncs with Dropbox. But, I see what you mean.

sgtcoder commented 6 years ago

@cgchoffman you should be VERY proud of me! I figured it out!

Komodo doesn't like symbolic links in the publishing local path. I tested it with and without. With broke the publishing, without it it worked just fine!

th3coop commented 6 years ago

BOOM! Nice! Thank you @codermjb! I've never been prouder in my life! Gonna update the origin ticket with this info.