Komodo / KomodoEdit

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
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Autocomplete fires in Javascript comments #3892

Open stefman2 opened 3 years ago

stefman2 commented 3 years ago

Short Summary

Autocomplete of standard commands like "if " and "for " automatically fires in comments in Javascript. Abbreviations are also triggering in strings (#3899).

Steps to Reproduce

In Javascript, create a comment and just type "if " or "while " or "for " in your comment or a string.

Expected results

Nothing special should happen as this is a comment.

Actual results

Komodo autocompletes the "if" statement started in the comment line by inserting braces, line breaks and new uncommented lines etc thus disrupting the code layout.

Platform Information

Komodo Edit or IDE? IDE Komodo Version? 12.0.1 Operating System (and version)? Mac OS 10.11.6

Additional Information

th3coop commented 3 years ago

Wasn't there a forum post associated with this? Please link it in the description if there was.

th3coop commented 3 years ago

@stefman2 please link the forum post associated with this ticket.

marianne-mason commented 3 years ago

Is there a status on this? I am having the same problem. Not only is it annoying it can sometimes take a while to clean up if it happens inside a particularly complex bit code. I would like to be able to use the words "if" and "for" in a commented string without it triggering an if statement or for loop

th3coop commented 3 years ago

@marianne-mason, I'd disable auto-abbreviations to work around this: Edit menu (Komodo on OSX) > Preferences > Editor > Smart Editing: Disable Auto-Abbreviations

marianne-mason commented 3 years ago

Thank you. I’ll give that a try.

Stay safe – stay apart!!

Marianne Mason Software Developer Hamamatsu Corporation Office: 908 252 7267 Cell: 908 720-7862 360 Foothill Road Bridgewater, NJ 08807-2920

From: Carey Hoffman @.> Sent: Friday, March 26, 2021 3:17 PM To: Komodo/KomodoEdit @.> Cc: Marianne Mason @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [Komodo/KomodoEdit] Autocomplete fires in Javascript comments (#3892)

@marianne-masonhttps://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_marianne-2Dmason&d=DwMCaQ&c=7WMbxJudsInepJ54aTu5FB4kE34qljjw4wOb_YlLTpQ&r=Qy_RmSsXqFPAk6-g_hETF_p9ype5K8K5Y1EEIZ-6mT4&m=DyRjTPuCu7uMmPgIrVO7BKrLl48gHdW2gcy8ODrOWGA&s=u9h77PtBwkys1rceEJXRkAV4-m_SoEkPD7Bf2CnJNMo&e=, I'd disable auto-abbreviations to work around this: Edit menu (Komodo on OSX) > Preferences > Editor > Smart Editing: Disable Auto-Abbreviations

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