Komodo / KomodoEdit

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PHP Namespace Keyword Has No Code Intel #3896

Closed ssigwart closed 3 years ago

ssigwart commented 3 years ago

Short Summary

The namespace keyword in PHP does not autocomplete.

Steps to Reproduce

Type namespace followed by a space.


namespace |

Expected results

Actual results

There is no autocompletion.

Platform Information

Komodo Edit, version 11.2.0 (Custom build) MacOS Catalina 10.15.6

Additional Information

These few lines look like it's intentionally not implemented, but I feel like it should be. https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit/blob/9c66308f19cad8ff946eb16acb95eee1b9b6f5aa/src/udl/skel/PHP/pylib/lang_php.py#L330-L332 https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit/blob/9c66308f19cad8ff946eb16acb95eee1b9b6f5aa/src/udl/skel/PHP/pylib/lang_php.py#L356


  1. Do you see any reason not to implement my suggestions (particularly given the existing code above)?
  2. This is probably something that I should hold off on since it won't easily merge into the IDE version, right?
th3coop commented 3 years ago

@ssigwart, I'm not sure why those comments are there. As you said, it likely won't merge into IDE easily, but if you're interested in implementing it here in Edit I'll be happy to merge it in to Edit.