Komodo / KomodoEdit

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
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Remote File Saving interface response lag #3897

Open KnowZero opened 3 years ago

KnowZero commented 3 years ago

Short Summary

When you try to save a file of a remote file, there is a lag of the interface which prevents me from going to another tab or etc.

Steps to Reproduce

Save any document remotely and try switching tabs or continue typing or anything.

Expected results

For the interface not to lock up

Actual results

It locks up.

Platform Information

Komodo Edit or IDE? Both Komodo Version? 12 Operating System (and version)? Linux Mint 19.3

Additional Information

It seems that the save process is done syncroniously instead of asyncronyously. It would be nice if there was an asyncronious save queue added so we don't have any delay.