Komodo / KomodoEdit

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
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New Project wizard shows blank screen on Ubuntu 20.04.LTS #3911

Open joho1968 opened 3 years ago

joho1968 commented 3 years ago

Short Summary

When using either of the "New project" menu options (from bottom left button, menu choice, etc) I simply get a blank dialog window titled "Komodo Project Wizard". I have nothing else open.

Steps to Reproduce

Start Komodo IDE, choose to create a new project. That's it.

Expected results

Well ... for the project wizard to ... work?

Actual results

Blank dialog window

Platform Information

Komodo IDE 12.0.1 Xubuntu (Ubuntu) 20.04.1.LTS

Additional Information

Komodo IDE, version 12.0.1, build 91869, platform linux-x86_64. Built on Mon Feb 10 19:37:24 2020.

[2020-12-21 16:45:47,354] [WARNING] console-logger: Unknown descriptor 'font-display' in @font-face rule.  Skipped to next declaration. (1) in less://komodo/skin/global/global.less:1429
[2020-12-21 16:45:47,393] [WARNING] console-logger: Expected end of value but found 'auto'.  Error in parsing value for 'padding'.  Declaration dropped. (1) in less://projectwizard/content/dialog/projectWizard.less:12
[2020-12-21 16:45:47,432] [ERROR] console-logger: Error: 'sftp://xxx.domain.com/' does not have a local path (2) in chrome://komodo/content/library/uriparse.js:168
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "chrome://komodo/content/library/uriparse.js", line 168, in 
th3coop commented 3 years ago

@joho1968, that's a fairly truncated log. Can you please share the entire log file?

joho1968 commented 3 years ago

Now I'm getting other things in the log file, but the wizard appears (?!). I've attached the current log. pystderr.log

th3coop commented 3 years ago

@joho1968, no more black screen? ie. issue gone after a consecutive dialog open? What if you restart Komodo and try to reproduce?

joho1968 commented 3 years ago

OK. So I went back to a project I had recently had open, re-opened it, and then tried doing a "New project", and the error is once again triggered. The result is an empty project wizard. I've attached that file too. pystderr_fail.log

th3coop commented 3 years ago

WEIRD. Looking at new log.

th3coop commented 3 years ago

Huh, that's odd. I don't see anything that would prevent the dialog from rendering from what I can see, though this failed log contains the urlparse lines and the success log doesn't. Do you have a configured bogus server from testing or something?

joho1968 commented 3 years ago

Not as far as I know. Komodo IDE quite frequently "fails" here refreshing the remote upon project startup (when I tell it to restore previously opened files, etc). But that is usually remedied by selecting the server in the left-hand explorer tree and doing a refresh. It's almost as if it tries to refresh before connecting to the remote server.

But yes, this is quite a strange "issue".

jnyheim commented 3 years ago

Having the same problem on Windows 10

th3coop commented 3 years ago

@jnyheim please share your logs after reproducing the issue.

jayzimmer commented 3 years ago

EDIT: I completely removed the program, cleared the cache and deleted the folder under AppData. Then reinstalled and the window to add a new project opened correctly. Not sure what setting/preference/etc was causing the issue but doing a complete reinstall seemed to fix the issue for now.

I'm having this issue now as well on Windows 10.

When clicking 'New Project' it opens a blank window with 'Komodo Project Wizard' listed on the top. If I open the program in safe-mode I am able to see the correct window. It's only happening when I'm not using safe mode.

Attached is my log.


th3coop commented 3 years ago

I don't see anything in the logs that would cause the screen to be blank unfortunately and without your previous profile folder that's nothing to dig into. If someone hits this again, keep a zip of your profile folder before reseting it.