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Wrong interpreter in py3_dbgp #3918

Open networks1 opened 3 years ago

networks1 commented 3 years ago

Short Summary

In Komodo-PythonRemoteDebugging-12.0.1-91869-linux-x86/py3_dbgp the interpreter is declared as #!/usr/bin/env python whereas it should be #!/usr/bin/env python3

Steps to Reproduce

Open the file

Expected results

py3_dbgp runs

Actual results

/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory

Platform Information

Komodo Edit or IDE? Komodo Version? Operating System (and version)?

Additional Information

th3coop commented 3 years ago

@networks1 thanks for reporting. You're not stuck I assume?

networks1 commented 3 years ago

No I fixed, but I discovered all the other py3_* scripts in that package have the same error. Also in the docs, item 2 of the installation section is not python3 syntax. It should be python3 -c "import dbgp.client; print('OK')"

th3coop commented 3 years ago

It should be python3 -c "import dbgp.client; print('OK')"

Only if you're on Linux. Windows doesn't suffix the binary with a version number. I don't think the docs need to be updated. People should be able to figure out what Python they have installed, yeah?

The script shebangs are the only bug then I think and shouldn't be an issue any way as those are always called with a binary.