Komodo / KomodoEdit

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
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TCL edit environment adds auto-text when typing the word "for" in a comment #3932

Closed Patrick5 closed 2 years ago

Patrick5 commented 2 years ago

Short Summary

When typing the word "for" in a TCL comment line, the editor auto-inserts "{set START} {TEST} {NEXT}" on the first space.

I don't want to disable auto-abbreviations in general, just to ignore them in comment text.

Steps to Reproduce

Type the following into the editor (with a space at the end): # this shows the problem with for

Expected results

Nothing should happen

Actual results

Editor inserts autotext: # this is a comment for {set START} {TEST} {NEXT}

Platform Information

Komodo IDE Komodo-IDE-12.0.1-91869.msi Windows 8.1

Additional Information

Haha the workaround is to not type the word "for" in a comment. One solution is to type "fr" instead, then go back and insert the 'o' once the text is complete.

th3coop commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting @Patrick5. Will close in favour of this ticket though: https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit/issues/3892