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Toolbar items disappear when customize #3939

Open jshrek opened 2 years ago

jshrek commented 2 years ago

Short Summary

When you go to customize the Main Left Toolbar, turning off Play/Pause/Stop causes several other menu items to disappear.

Steps to Reproduce

Go to customize toolbar. Turn off Play/Pause/Stop. Notice other menu items that are still on, are no longer displayed.

Expected results

Only Play/Pause/Stop should disappear, not any other menu items.

Actual results

Other menu items disappear that should still be visible.

Platform Information

Komodo IDE v12.0.1 build 91869 Windows 10

Additional Information

Attached are two screenshots... customize1 shows before. customize2 shows after. customize1 customize2

th3coop commented 2 years ago

I'm not able to reproduce this @jshrek . Are you able to reproduce this if you Help menu -> Troubleshooting -> Restart in Safemode?

jshrek commented 2 years ago

When I restart in Safemode, the issue is gone.

When I start normally, the issue is there again.

However if I UNCHECK Use Classic Toolbar Layout in Preferences > Appearance then the issue is gone. And when I re-check Use Classic Toolbar Layout the issue is back again.

Let me know if I need to send you any settings/preferences for testing.


th3coop commented 2 years ago

@jshrek, what if you enable Classic Toolbar in safe mode? I did the same before replying originally and still wasn't able to reproduce the issue.

jshrek commented 2 years ago

If I re-start in Safe Mode and then choose Use Classic Toolbar Layout, then yes I can reproduce the issue.

I can reproduce on two different computers.


th3coop commented 2 years ago

Ok, that should be enough info. I don't know when time will be put aside to fix this. You're not blocked right @jshrek? This doesn't affect you using Komodo, correct?

jshrek commented 2 years ago

No not blocked.

Thank you