Komodo / KomodoEdit

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
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Server Prefs: + button should be disable if no servers are selected/configured #3943

Open pcoloma opened 2 years ago

pcoloma commented 2 years ago

Dev Note: The confusion is coming from the + button not being disabled and making it look like THAT is the action to save your new server. It is not. You click the Add button below the text fields. The + initiates adding a new server configuration when you have one selected already from the drop down. It clears all the fields of the previous configurations settings and lets you Add a new one.

Hello, this is quite annoying the + sign does not seem to work, I cannot add text left to it in the server name input box, it flashes blue as if it had the focus then losses it, it might be a drop down that does not overlay on top of the input boxes below... All other boxes works fine, but since I cannot specify the name, nothing is added in the server list... Here is a screen shot for you to review kodo-add-ftp

Version info Komodo IDE, version 12.0.1, build 91869, platform macosx. Built on Mon Feb 10 19:05:50 2020. On Mac OS X 10.13.6

th3coop commented 2 years ago

@pcoloma click the Add button below all the text fields. The + should probably be disabled if there isn't currently a server connection selected.

I changed the title of the ticket and adding a Dev Note to clarify.

pcoloma commented 2 years ago

Thanks this made it work! Have a nice day

On 22 Nov 2021, at 19:32, Carey Hoffman @.***> wrote:

@pcoloma https://github.com/pcoloma click the Add button below all the text fields. The + should probably be disabled if there isn't currently a server connection selected.

I changed the title of the ticket and adding a Dev Note to clarify.

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