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kopy.io client side encryption settings? #562

Open jellisii opened 9 years ago

jellisii commented 9 years ago

Kopy.io integration is cool, but the ability to apply a client side key would (in my mind) make the feature much nicer to use.

dch commented 8 years ago

yes please to this by default. It would reduce the problems from uploading something inadvertently.

Naatan commented 8 years ago

This is what client side encryption is for, are you saying you want this to be the default?

I don't see any value in providing your own key, especially considering kopy is designed to be as low friction as possible. Could you explain your use case? I'm not against it, I just don't want to introduce any features that will add needless layers of complexion both in code and user experience.

dch commented 8 years ago

TBH I don't care about providing my own key by default, but atm we use a whole bunch of tools just to share stuff - some private, some secure, some just boring and not needing the full gist.github.com treatment.

Implementing something like the client side part of https://0bin.net/ and handing me back the URL for pasting into a chat session, without needing to switch to the terminal and back again is perfect. https://github.com/zalora/zerobin is another example using the SJCL http://bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/

dch commented 8 years ago

I should clarify this:

when using kopy.io directly from Komodo (the best way!), there appears to be no way to control whether client-side encryption is used or not. There are no settings in Preferences, nor any when I right-click to choose settings, so by default all kopies (sic) directly from the IDE are public, with no apparent way to change that after the fact. Maybe I missed an option or setting somewhere?

Naatan commented 8 years ago

Gotcha, thanks for clarifying :)