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atomicDEX Turkish Support #114

Closed ZaferGraph closed 4 years ago

ZaferGraph commented 4 years ago

I translated into Turkish language (EULA Excluded) without UI test. I'll fix if there is a visual disturbance when I test in mobile.

tonymorony commented 4 years ago

Hello and thank you for the translation @ZaferGraph ! We'll review it and add in the next AtomicDEX patch

naezith commented 4 years ago

Really good localization overall, thanks a lot.

I did not check where these words are used in the real UI, so I don't know the contexts but here are some potential mistakes I detected:

Line 13: login is translated as Giriş, is uppercase G correct?

Line 523: By is translated as Yazan: - is the colon(:) correct here?

Line 588 and 595 has {index}. word, the dot there with -th, -rd is missing at Turkish translation like {index} kelime. Index will be a number here like 5. word.

Line 657: Name your wallet is translated as Cüzdanınızın adı which means Name of your wallet, correct one might be Cüzdanınızı adlandırın.

Line 717: Log Out Settings is translated as Ayarlardan Çık, which means Exit the settings. If it is settings about logging out, then it should be Çıkış Ayarları.

Line 722: Log Out on Exit is translated as Çıkış Yap which means, just Log Out. If it means Log out when I close the program, then it should be Kapanışta Çıkış Yap. Both Log Out and Exit are Çıkış so I used on Close instead of on Exit.

Line 737 and 742: I am guessing that these two are combining like Are you sure you want to delete XXX wallet? because it does not say the wallet. So XXX needs to be between these two. If it's used like that, Turkish translation is XXX cüzdanını silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?. Since XXX is at start, we should leave Line 737 empty "" and cüzdanını silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? at Line 742. Make sure there is a space before cüzdanını.

Line 752: Instead of using the restore word like gelecekte cüzdanınızı restore edebilmeniz için, we can say gelecekte cüzdanınızı kurtarabilmeniz için, which is the rescue word.

Line 782: HOŞGELDİN should be written as HOŞ GELDİN.

ZaferGraph commented 4 years ago

Hi naezith, Thanks for your kind review.

Line 13: login is translated as Giriş, is uppercase G correct? Yes I intended also used for "logout": "Çıkış", line. I don't know where appears actually in UI, i assume it as standalone usage.

Line 523: By is translated as Yazan: - is the colon(:) correct here? Correct, there is no equivalent word in Turkish grammar, actually having (tarafından) but you have to use after author name, this code coming before author name I guess, two options "Yazan:" or just ":" if it's only using in news page. Can not be used out of the news tab. But I replaced with "Yazar:" What do you think we should?

Line 588, 595, 657, 717, 722, 737, 742, 752 and 782 fixed.