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Coin naming standards and delisting process #498

Open smk762 opened 2 years ago

smk762 commented 2 years ago

Going through the coins file, there are a few inconsistencies which could be fixed to help with future maintenance. e.g.

Changing the coin name value will be a breaking change for DEX apps which use a supplementary coins file for activation, so this update needs to be done in a carefully coordinated manner at a time where it wont impact any imminent deadlines for releases / demonstrations etc.

We're also lacking a clear delisting process / cycle. Something similar to https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-Desktop/issues/1993 should also be applied here.

cc: @ologunB @yurii-khi @artemii235

smk762 commented 2 years ago

Coins with non-responsive electrums to be added to delisting schedule:

michelvankessel commented 2 years ago

USDI can be delisted. The project seems to be dead

alamshafil commented 2 years ago

CHUNG can be removed; development and support has been stagnant.

smk762 commented 10 months ago

There are a few considerations which should inform the standard:

Currently we use _ to deliniate the coins in a pair ('KMD_LTC'), and - o deliniate the coin ticker and its protocol `KMD-BEP20).

There are a couple of exceptions:

Each of these adds an additional challenge to parsing a pair into its constituent coins/platforms, and ideally should be changed and similar cases avoided.

For test coins, we also have a variety of formats: MATICTEST, tBCH, AVAXT, DOC. Though less critical, it would be nice to use a consistent standard here too. The convention appears to be a t prefix, so the above would be tMATIC, tBCH, tAVAX, tDOC. This way a user knows something is a testcoin on sight.

cipig commented 10 months ago

we could also use TEST and OLD in the ticker itself... thing is that this would prevent price fetching, so if we would have done that with USDC, like USDCOLD-PLG20, this coin would not have a price... normally it's fine since OLD means "not used any more", but in this case it is not true... idk though how important this aspect is trades with those coins would also not show up on paprika and gecko, USDC-PLG20_OLD does show up as USDC anyway, some examples:

or we put OLD and TEST in front... depends how apps sort all this coins and tokens in the "enable coin" thing if they sort by ticker alphabetically, all TEST and OLD coins would be in one place... for TEST it would be perfect, for OLD not so

cipig commented 8 months ago

https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/tbtc would use ticker TBTC, same as BTC testnet i propose to rename all testnet coins to BTCTEST or TESTBTC, i prefer TESTBTC

smk762 commented 8 months ago

a TEST prefix is preferable for simplicity of extraction