KomodoPlatform / komodo-defi-framework

This is the official Komodo DeFi Framework repository
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feat(utxo-swap): add utxo burn output for non-kmd taker fee #2112

Open dimxy opened 1 month ago

dimxy commented 1 month ago

Adds a burn output sending 25% of the taker utxo DEX fee to a dedicated burn address. Funds collected on the burn address will be traded for KMD to burn them (thus additionally burning KMD supply). This PR partially closes https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/komodo-defi-framework/issues/2010

In this PR:

NOTE: As mocktopus now is marked 'optional = true' in coins Cargo.toml and activated from the mm2_main crate by adding features = ["mocktopus"] in [dev-dependencies] section, you also need to mark your mockable code, called from other crates, this way: #[cfg_attr(feature = "mocktopus", mockable)], otherwise mocks won't work (see samples in code)