KomodoPlatform / komodo-defi-framework

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PLG20 swaps fail because of too low gas limit #2135

Open cipig opened 3 weeks ago

cipig commented 3 weeks ago

latest mm2 from dev branch (2.1.0-beta_2e21532) fails all PLG20 swaps, eg https://dexapi.cipig.net/public/error.php?uuid=c7437108-48aa-4838-a868-a2264c2b6338 https://dexapi.cipig.net/public/error.php?uuid=1062e9fd-df75-4d71-a9c2-b84d89a63ab0

the PLG20 makerpayment tx is reverted in both swaps: https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x95ffcdf167710235a94d224c27435a53f93cd18e734f587668f0455d9b180b2b https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x0341d6d15158b93d176d801434b1346591172b1db18c2614089b9681b3eb0d09

cipig commented 3 weeks ago

found the issue... gas limit was reduced from 150k to 120k and EURE-PLG20 swaps don't work any more because EURE-PLG20 uses more gas then eg USDT-PLG20 did a swap with EURE-PLG20 and mm2 version before gas limit reduction... it worked fine and the tx used 135k gas: https://polygonscan.com/tx/0x22e61672760e18dff3bb33251ccec1f2026703e59f6edb7a9ffc4d90c4013339