KomodoPlatform / komodo-defi-framework

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Market makers rebate program #714

Open tonymorony opened 4 years ago

tonymorony commented 4 years ago

just ideas sharing:

I think that possible makers rebate (negative maker fees) program for atomicdex might help to motivate users to place more maker orders = bring more liquidity

it might be a program without additional conditions such as Bitmex has: image

Or one connected to additional conditions (e.g. necessity of some amount of DEX coin holding) like a: https://support.switcheo.network/en/articles/3721543-negative-fee-maker-rebate-program

Question arise is how should looks like mechanism to pay that? It might be quite tricky since spam-prevention fees paying in different protocol currenices.

After discussion of such possibilities with @artemii235 we got an idea of natural/simple solution on protocol side: just execute actual trade with price a bit higher than shown in orderbook (higher on this rebate amount) and reduce from dex fee tx amount so maker will receive this bonus in taker payment and taker will see/pay exactly same taker fee amount. other words:

maker_rebate_percentage = 0.000125 # random number, just for example
rebate_amount = trade_volume * maker_rebate_percentage  
order_price = price + (price * maker_rebate_percentage)
taker_fee = (swap_amount / 777) - rebate amount
gcharang commented 4 years ago

necessity of some amount of DEX/KMD coin holding

instead of just holding it, the condition could be to lock it till a minimum future time. Maybe increasing the locktime also gives more discount upto a certain point? Example using Timelocks: https://coinb.in/#newTimeLocked

Use OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY (OP_HODL) to create a time locked address where the funds are unspendable until a set date and time has passed.