KomodoPlatform / komodo-wallet-mobile

KomodoWallet Mobile codebase
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Docker build image and devcontainer config #147

Open takenagain opened 1 month ago

takenagain commented 1 month ago

Add two docker files to the repository to enable:

NOTE: There are known issues with building this repository using docker on ARM-based systems (e.g. M-series Macs, Raspberry Pi):


Use the following commands to build locally on x86 systems using Docker:

sh .docker/build_apk_release.sh

To build in GitHub Codespaces open a terminal and run:

flutter build apk --release

Open in GitHub Codespaces

In both instances, the apk file should appear in build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk

Docker image source: Cirrus Labs Android SDK Images