KomodoPlatform / zebra

An ongoing Rust implementation of a Komodo node. 🦓
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support of uncompressed p2pk vouts #31

Closed DeckerSU closed 1 year ago

DeckerSU commented 1 year ago

Need to implement support of uncompressed P2PK vouts. Made live test for this, transaction:


sent 0.1 KMD on RJQMkmENqonyf2m2g5hPSCkntyazbcdTnX using p2pk output:

048060e5fd7c86a91b729c565a48b400ccd9cd7537c928e414df63e29f2a35b70f29482311646b3e6c0bc6e3733002c5a953bc4bc3ec27dd1c3f388fa538a7fe0a OP_CHECKSIG

Output of:

ADDR=RJQMkmENqonyf2m2g5hPSCkntyazbcdTnX; curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getaddressbalance", "params": [{"addresses": ["'$ADDR'"]}] }' -H 'Content-type: application/json' | jq .result; curl -s https://kmdexplorer.io/insight-api-komodo/addr/$ADDR/balance | jq '{"balance": .}'

is following:

  "balance": 0 # zebra
  "balance": 10000000 # explorer

As for now we have the following implementation:

    /// Returns the address that this Script contains, if any.
    pub fn address(&self) -> Option<TransparentAddress> {
        if self.0.len() == 25
            && self.0[0..3] == [OpCode::Dup as u8, OpCode::Hash160 as u8, 0x14]
            && self.0[23..25] == [OpCode::EqualVerify as u8, OpCode::CheckSig as u8]
            let mut hash = [0; 20];
        } else if self.0.len() == 1+0x21+1 // dimxy add support for p2pk for kmd
            && self.0[0] == 0x21 as u8 
            && self.0[34] == OpCode::CheckSig as u8 
            let mut pk = [0; 33];

Seems we need to add uncompressed p2pk vout check here as well.

dimxy commented 1 year ago

fixed in d1e53215b8e90543d62ae514a9231d29f5222177