In older annotations, the Vector3 referencePoint and referenceNormal were saved using the x,y and z properties of the Vector3.
At some point, either due to BabylonJS changes or due to a programming oversight, instead of the x, y and z properties instead the _x, _y and _z properties were saved.
This created an issue when attempting to load the saved Vector3's in the AnnotationService, always loading them as (0, 0, 0).
This pull request inserts a function to differentiate between the different versions of saved Vector3 and load it correctly.
In older annotations, the Vector3 referencePoint and referenceNormal were saved using the x,y and z properties of the Vector3. At some point, either due to BabylonJS changes or due to a programming oversight, instead of the x, y and z properties instead the _x, _y and _z properties were saved. This created an issue when attempting to load the saved Vector3's in the AnnotationService, always loading them as (0, 0, 0).
This pull request inserts a function to differentiate between the different versions of saved Vector3 and load it correctly.