KonSola5 / HephaestusPlus

An addon for Hephaestus.
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BetterNether traits ideas #6

Open SpikeJr opened 3 months ago

SpikeJr commented 3 months ago

Material compatibility request

BetterNether material traits ideas

Modifier request

(Every suggestion can be tweaked to be more fair/less op/more balanced)

Ruby (Tier 4 material)

Melt ruby material on the foundry (blazing blood fuel needed) Part trait: Ruby's fire Description: Every attack will deal 5% more damage, 2 knockback blocks or ignite the target for 3 seconds, each level scaling the impact Detalied explanation: Every attack will always inflict one of the possibilities. 1/3 chance of dealing more damage, 1/3 of dealing more knockback, and 1/3 of ingiting the target. This way it will be similar to "Ruby's fire" enchantment from BetterNether Can be applied to a bow: Yes

Cincinnasite (Tier 3 material)

Melt cincinnasite material on the forge (lava or blazing blood) Part trait: Obsidian Breaker Description: Mines obsidian blocks 10% faster each level Can be applied to a bow: No

Blue obsidian (Tier 3 material)

Cast molten blue obsidian on wood parts Part trait: Obsidian shield Description: After an attack, you have a 5% chance per level of blocking all the damage from an attack during 5 seconds. If the effect is triggered, it resets until you attack again. (Probable addition: if the target or yourself it's on fire, the chance it's doubled). Can be applied to a bow: Yes

Nether reed (Tier 3 Bowstring/Binding only material)

Made on the parts table with Nether reed Part trait: Heat fever Description (on tools): Boosts mining speed when on fire OR when on the Nether Description (on bows): Boosts draw speed when on fire OR when on the Nether

Additional context

Tried to make every material closest to what the mod offers in game

KonSola5 commented 3 months ago

Though maybe Ruby should be a modifier instead (since in TiC you can't cast tool parts from gems). Look: Diamond and Emerald are modifiers that buff certain stuff.

SpikeJr commented 3 months ago

It's a good way to implement it Maybe the modifier could go on armor also, but I feel like would be a reusage of the already existing modifiers from armor (thorns, fiery, springy)