The name of the emulation settings file NEXT_DSK.DAT should be changed to avoid accidental deletion of NEXTOR.SYS file after disabling the emulated DSK image and booting back to MSX-DOS2. When typing "del next" and pressing TAB the first 2 files to be found may be NEXTOR.SYS and NEXTORJP.SYS.
The name of the DSK emulation settings file should not contain any sequence of letters that Nextor's files have. It should be something pretty simple, unique, and easily visible, for example "_DSKEMU_.CFG" or just "DSKEMU.CFG".
The name of the emulation settings file NEXT_DSK.DAT should be changed to avoid accidental deletion of NEXTOR.SYS file after disabling the emulated DSK image and booting back to MSX-DOS2. When typing "del next" and pressing TAB the first 2 files to be found may be NEXTOR.SYS and NEXTORJP.SYS.
The name of the DSK emulation settings file should not contain any sequence of letters that Nextor's files have. It should be something pretty simple, unique, and easily visible, for example "
" or just "DSKEMU.CFG