Konamiman / Nextor

A disk operating system for MSX computers, forked from MSX-DOS 2.31
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DiskROM should only boot the partition marked as bootable, when more than one partition is present #6

Closed sdsnatcher closed 5 years ago

sdsnatcher commented 5 years ago

When there's more than one partition in the media, the Nextor diskROM shouldn't boot a partition that isn't marked as bootable. This could lead to problems if multiple operating systems are installed. (I.e.: Nextor and Uzix) There will be no way to use a boot loader like UZLO.

Konamiman commented 5 years ago

Implemented in v2.1.0 beta 2 (the first partition found with the "active" flag set is mounted at boot time)

ATroubleshooter commented 3 years ago

Implemented in v2.1.0 beta 2 (the first partition found with the "active" flag set is mounted at boot time)

Excuse me, but is this the reason why another partitions on that same media are no longer getting drive letters assigned to them? I believe that drive letters should be mapped to the valid non-hidden partitions, regardless of whether they are active or not. And boot only from the active one.

ATroubleshooter commented 3 years ago

Well, on MSX, probably, it is a generally expected behavior, and even the most preferable in total. I just don't know.

Konamiman commented 3 years ago

Related discussion: https://msx.org/forum/msx-talk/general-discussion/nextor-and-automatic-drive-mappings. The TLDR is that, at least in the short term, this behavior isn't going to change.

ATroubleshooter commented 3 years ago

Related discussion: https://msx.org/forum/msx-talk/general-discussion/nextor-and-automatic-drive-mappings. The TLDR is that, at least in the short term, this behavior isn't going to change.

Allright, I've read this forum thread, and what I can say so far... well, may be one day in a future ;)

ATroubleshooter commented 3 years ago

Coz, as a newcomer(from linux), I'd say it wasn't at once that I learned to use MAPDRV. And if to speak about someone, who's just come from DOS&Windows-realm and is not used to fiddle with mounts so much, neither to RTFM in such amounts... :)