Konard / LinksPlatform

Holistic system for storage and transformation of information based on associative model of data. Целостная система для хранения и обработки информации, основанная на ассоциативной модели данных.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Multiple types with doublets at a fraction of the cost of triplet #588

Open Konard opened 3 years ago

Konard commented 3 years ago

Triplet (a b c) can be presented as (a c) and ((a b) c) doublets. In this case it means 1 triplet == 2 doublets. But this is not the case if you need multiple types between the same source and target. For example:

(a t1 b)
(a t2 b)

Can be replaced with only 3 doublets, not 4.

(a b)
((a b) t1)
((a b) t2)

3 triplets with same source and target with different types can be replaced with only 4 doublets and so on.