Konard / LinksPlatform

Holistic system for storage and transformation of information based on associative model of data. Целостная система для хранения и обработки информации, основанная на ассоциативной модели данных.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Floating point numbers #86

Open Konard opened 9 years ago

Konard commented 9 years ago

2015-11-13 01-29-39


These numbers can be used to set probability to triggers (https://github.com/Konard/LinksPlatform/issues/10).

lubyagin commented 9 years ago

Float - это сумма дробей.

Konard commented 8 years ago

Related to https://github.com/Konard/LinksPlatform/issues/106

Konard commented 8 years ago

This number notation is actually a partially executed operation notation. So such way of representing calculations (formulas) can be used to implement never-ending recursive calculation, that is partially cached/stored as it calculates. But last digit of sequence can be stepped forward on demand as it needed. So such calculations are not finite functions, so you should decide is it actually needed to step more, or it is enough for now to get "semi-accurate" result.