Konard / LinksPlatform

Holistic system for storage and transformation of information based on associative model of data. Целостная система для хранения и обработки информации, основанная на ассоциативной модели данных.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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API (Edge/Bridge) to Everything (or any API) #94

Open Konard opened 8 years ago

Konard commented 8 years ago

One API to any other API. So if user have a way to access some API, it should have many ways to actually execute or use this API, using text, voice, gestures, "brain-computer interface" and so on.

User can be a human or robot.

Sources for APIs can be public internet, encyclopedias, databases, services, libraries, frameworks and also source code functions.

Konard commented 8 years ago

http://www.wolframalpha.com/ as working example.