Kong / insomnia

The open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets, SSE and gRPC. With Cloud, Local and Git storage.
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Unable to undo (cmd+z) a change once a request has been sent #7543

Closed rich-grundy-paytently closed 2 weeks ago

rich-grundy-paytently commented 2 weeks ago

Expected Behavior

Ability to undo a change to a request payload using cmd+z even after request has been sent.

1) Remove a property from the JSON payload 2) Send request 3) Cmd + z to undo the changes 4) Property removed in step 1 is returned

Actual Behavior

1) Remove a property from the JSON payload 2) Send request 3) Cmd + z to undo the changes 4) Undo is not possible and it's impossible to revert to the earlier version of the request without using the Discard all changes option in the sync menu


Reproduction Steps

1) Remove a property from the JSON payload 2) Send request 3) Cmd + z to undo the changes

Is there an existing issue for this?

Additional Information

No response

Insomnia Version


What operating system are you using?


Operating System Version

macOs 13.5

Installation method

Download from website

Last Known Working Insomnia version

No response

rich-grundy-paytently commented 2 weeks ago

Just found that this is a duplicate of: https://github.com/Kong/insomnia/issues/7352

I've closed but it would be great to have an update

leonardogmz commented 2 weeks ago

Same here from:
