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poc: file watcher for timeline #7552

Closed jackkav closed 1 week ago

jackkav commented 1 week ago

motivation: our loading indiciator is creating a second state store in a variable which have side effects due to being scoped into a file in the renderer. This is a poc aiming to provide we can use the timeline file as a single state store for loading indicators and other operations.

// old // step1:time+duration // new step1+time,step2+time,step3+time // required change: begin end // when a begin is found and end is searched for in the file if found a duration is created // a steps array is generated and isExecution is calucated exactly as now? // issues: if cancelled or quit the app how can loading logic know loading is complete if no end is found? // alternate implementation: dont append to timeline instead update it adding durations as they are set, would still have same problem as above