Kong / kong-operator

Kong Operator for Kubernetes and OpenShift
Apache License 2.0
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How to config volume of the postgres #62

Closed icarhunter closed 3 years ago

icarhunter commented 3 years ago

I want to config the volume of the postgres,just like nfs,cephfs,but I don't find explain or demo from kong-operator document

rainest commented 3 years ago

The Postgres instance that the operator can deploy alongside Kong uses the https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/master/bitnami/postgresql chart. Any settings available there can be set under the postgresql section of the Kong CR spec.

I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for (storageClass, perhaps?), but if it's not available in those settings, you'd want to instead set up a Postgres instance independent of the Kong instance and add configuration (pg_host under env and such) to use it.