Open lukeyscho opened 5 days ago
Hi @lukeyscho, this templates repo is for the Enterprise Edition of the on-prem Kong Gateway. It is not compatible with the Konnect cloud developer portal. The OSS project to customize and self-host your own Konnect portal is
@Mierenga Thanks for this. Playing around with this repo, I don't see how to configure and manage the Konnect dev portal configuration as code. There are no commands like 'portal deploy' or 'portal fetch' to use with this template. So how would we deploy or save the configuration as code?
I am new to Kong Konnect so appreciate your patience. I have spent some time already struggling to understand this myself.
For Konnect dev portals to use customized code, they need to be hosted by the customer on their own server and domain (e.g., through a web hosting service that supports single page apps (SPA)). They then communicate with Konnect's servers the same way the default Konnect-hosted portal does. Konnect does not offer a hosted solution for portals that use customized code, like Kong EE.
Since Konnect is a cloud-hosted SaaS vs. the on-prem (user-hosted) Kong Enterprise Edition (EE), there is a different deployment model for portals. In Kong EE, all portals were hosted by the end user as an extension of their Kong deployment, so an integrated deployment for customized portals was offered. In Konnect, the default (non-customized) portal deployment is managed by Konnect. Customized portal deployments need to be managed by the customer.
See for more details on how to use a customized portal client with Konnect, including:
I am using this template to manage my Kong Developer Portal via CLI. After cloning this repo, I am supposed to adjust to variables in the cli.conf.yaml file to match my set up. I need to adjust variables kong_admin_url and optional kong_admin_token.
Where do I find the kong_admin_url?
I have tried using the Admin API of a control plane of a gateway created in Konnect UI and a token created under the account.
However, I receive a 404 error.
I have also tried kong_admin_url set to the dev portal URL with no success.
I receive a 403 error.