Kong / kubernetes-ingress-controller

:gorilla: Kong for Kubernetes: The official Ingress Controller for Kubernetes.
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Design and implement Kong router flavor change plan #5018

Open mflendrich opened 8 months ago

mflendrich commented 8 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Problem Statement

If KIC is started with multiple downstream gateways having incompatible router flavors, such configuration has no chance to work and will lead to hard to understand errors.

As per discussion with @mheap, there exists some work on Kong Gateway side which aims to support some (limited?) expressions support in traditional_compatible router flavor. @mheap suggested to punt work in this issue here after 3.1 and wait until the Gateway work has more shape.

Proposed Solution

Additional information

post-facto enhancement of #702

Acceptance Criteria

pmalek commented 8 months ago

@mflendrich Do you intend to work on this? FYI: I've submitted #5040 as initial proposal how to tackle this.

mflendrich commented 7 months ago

@pmalek the assignment was meant for the issue definition phase only. Please feel free to go ahead with your attempt at implementation.

pmalek commented 6 months ago

Some work has been started in #5040 and put on hold.

Until I get to it, anyone feeling like working on it feel free to pick this up.

rainest commented 6 months ago


Do we expect that this is possible in practice? Are there uncontrived configurations where different router configurations are expected? Was there some report elsewhere where we observed this?

In general, we should expect that Kong replicas will all use the same router configuration under normal operation. All replicas in a Deployment will (eventually) have the same environment.

There are two similar exceptions to this rule:

  1. You have a single Deployment of Kong. You edit it and change spec.template.spec.env[name=KONG_ROUTER_FLAVOR] to a different value. During the update rollout, there are a mixture of Pods with the old and new KONG_ROUTER_FLAVOR value.
  2. You have multiple Deployments of Kong and you've kinda tricked Kubernetes into thinking they're a single Deployment. This is essentially what we do for the operator's blue/green deploy feature. The temporary mismatch state is essentially the same, but convergence to a consistent state is up to the operator instead of Kubernetes' native replica handling.

This state deadlocks immediately because the new replicas never become ready. Roughly:

// this has KONG_ROUTER_FLAVOR=expressions
$ kubectl apply -f ~/src/ingress-controller/test/e2e/manifests/all-in-one-dbless.yaml                     
namespace/kong created

$ kubectl scale deploy -n kong proxy-kong --replicas=3
deployment.apps/proxy-kong scaled

$ kubectl get po -n kong
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ingress-kong-7b59dc9857-gncdp   1/1     Running   0          46s
proxy-kong-6545cc68bf-6hjrc     1/1     Running   0          46s
proxy-kong-6545cc68bf-72vql     1/1     Running   0          27s
proxy-kong-6545cc68bf-pp282     1/1     Running   0          46s

Edit the proxy-kong Deployment to use KONG_ROUTER_FLAVOR=traditional.

This will spawn one new replica (AFAIK disruption budget limits the new replicas until some start working) that never becomes ready. Proxy logs will show repeated - - [05/Jan/2024:00:35:40 +0000] "POST /config?check_hash=1&flatten_errors=1 HTTP/2.0" 400 2365 "-" "Go-http-client/2.0"

The controller will show

2024-01-05T00:37:49Z    error   dataplane-synchronizer  Could not update kong admin {"error": "performing update for failed: failed posting new config to /config: got status code 400\nperforming update for failed: failed posting new config to /config: got status code 400"}

because the route configuration is invalid for its configuration. You can scale the proxy replicas to 0 and then back up to 3 so that all replicas use the same router flavor, but that state being consistent won't actually fix things. I didn't check the code to confirm, but that behavior suggests the controller decides the flavor it'll use at startup and doesn't change it. This just results in a set of all unready replicas even though the router flavor is consistent.

$ kubectl scale deploy -n kong proxy-kong --replicas=0
deployment.apps/proxy-kong scaled

$ kubectl get po -n kong 
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ingress-kong-7b59dc9857-gncdp   1/1     Running   0          13m

$ kubectl scale deploy -n kong proxy-kong --replicas=3
deployment.apps/proxy-kong scaled

// these are consistent, but never become ready. the controller is still trying and failing to send a traditional config
$ kubectl get po -n kong                              
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ingress-kong-7b59dc9857-gncdp   1/1     Running   0          13m
proxy-kong-65f9b9f779-5xvtx     0/1     Running   0          17s
proxy-kong-65f9b9f779-7tfdz     0/1     Running   0          17s
proxy-kong-65f9b9f779-d87vh     0/1     Running   0          17s

You need to further rollout restart the controller so that it decides a new router flavor after. Warning in logs is probably not that effective here since it's kind of a die roll whether the system will return to a functional state: if the controller ever starts while the proxy replicas are in a mixed state and it (randomly) chooses a replica with the old config value, it'll get stuck on that and the system will remain in deadlock.

IMO we're better off handling this in upgrade docs: for most users, this transition will probably only happen once, when/if we change the chart default flavor (https://github.com/Kong/charts/pull/937 or similar--IDK if there's a relevant open issue at this point since we closed https://github.com/Kong/kubernetes-ingress-controller/issues/4719). I wouldn't expect users to switch between the flavors on their own, though it's not out of the question: expressions is new enough that we could encounter bugs and recommend a user switch back to traditional until a bug affecting them is fixed. I haven't encountered such issues myself yet though (we should double-check with the gateway team, they may be aware of stuff we're not), so conservatively we could approach this with upgrade docs saying "do an outage window and scale everything to 0 before modifying this, then modify and scale back up to your usual replica count).

If we do expect that users will need to switch router flavors often going forward, we'd maybe need to consider making the controller able to handle either flavor by generating both expressions and traditional/traditional_compatible config blobs and sending whichever matches an individual proxy replica's config. You don't really want to have to take outage windows often, so if we expect that users will switch between them on an ongoing basis, we probably need to handle it gracefully.

Finally, the above mostly applies to DB-less. DB-backed is, AFAIK, a whole different ballgame because routes live in the DB and aren't magically converted to the other flavor if you switch and restart. Initial exploration suggests that the active router flavor can only "see" routes with its type of config, so switching effectively just makes all routes created on the previous flavor disappear. The controller's diff and update logic may work around that (it should see that the route in the DB doesn't match the expected config for the current flavor and update it), but I didn't actually try to confirm, so take that guess with a generously-sized grain of salt.

pmalek commented 5 months ago

You have a single Deployment of Kong. You edit it and change spec.template.spec.env[name=KONG_ROUTER_FLAVOR] to a different value. During the update rollout, there are a mixture of Pods with the old and new KONG_ROUTER_FLAVOR value.

That's the typical upgrade scenario where I'd expect users to want to be covered and have zero down time ideally.

@mheap mentioned that we do not expect users to change the flavor back and forth so I'd consider this as a typical use case for flavor change, one-of basically.

I'd like to propose the following course of action in that case:

Are we OK with this approach or are there any other suggestions to this? @mflendrich @mheap

pmalek commented 5 months ago

Updated the title and description and put this tentatively in 3.2 milestone given that there's some pending work on the Gateway side.

randmonkey commented 2 months ago

As I got from the gateway team, they have the changes on expression router for accepting fields in the traditional router (but cannot specify both traditional fields like paths, headers and expression in the same route). So the steps of changing router flavors could be:

Following these steps, I think we can implement the upgrade process with no changes to KIC translator. Testing and documentation is required. Maybe we need to add a router flavor upgrade test for this.

lahabana commented 1 week ago

This is a helm chart change only. Let's wait until the Gateway LTS supports "mixed mode expression routing" and we can turn it on for all supported versions at once.