Kong / terraform-provider-konnect

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Can only create Mesh control plane in U.S region #4

Closed liyangau closed 2 months ago

liyangau commented 2 months ago


I am trying to create a mesh control plane in AU region. Hi,

I want to report an issue related to konnect_mesh_control_plane.

My mesh manager resources is

resource "konnect_mesh_control_plane" "tf-global-cp" {
  name         = "tf-global-cp"
  description  = "This is the mesh control plane created by terraform"

  labels = {
      env         = "test"
      provisioner = "terraform"

I have the au server url in the provider

provider "konnect" {
  personal_access_token = var.system_token
  server_url            = "https://au.api.konghq.com/v2"

I am getting 403 if I don't assign U.S region to my custom role.

│ {"status":403,"title":"Forbidden","instance":"konnect:trace:8399619688457218227","detail":"Permission denied"}

After assigning U.S to my role, the mesh control plane was created in U.S successfully.