KongfuMan / React_Deep_Dive

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深入理解React的Component, Element Tree #1

Open KongfuMan opened 5 years ago

KongfuMan commented 5 years ago

这篇文章已经把Component和Element 解释的很清楚了: https://github.com/creeperyang/blog/issues/30

我想在补充一下babel compiler是如何将Component类型,Function类型和HTML标签(React没有对它们进行区分,本质上都作为一类进行处理)转换成为ReactElement的。 首先来说说HTML标签: 例如: <div class="somestylesheet">This is a html standard div tag</div> 先来看看ReactElement的createElement函数:

 * Create and return a new ReactElement of the given type.
 * See https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#createelement
export function createElement(type, config, children) {
  let propName;

  // Reserved names are extracted
  const props = {};

  let key = null;
  let ref = null;
  let self = null;
  let source = null;

  if (config != null) {
    if (hasValidRef(config)) {
      ref = config.ref;
    if (hasValidKey(config)) {
      key = '' + config.key;

    self = config.__self === undefined ? null : config.__self;
    source = config.__source === undefined ? null : config.__source;
    // Remaining properties are added to a new props object
    for (propName in config) {
      if (
        hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) &&
      ) {
        props[propName] = config[propName];

  // Children can be more than one argument, and those are transferred onto
  // the newly allocated props object.
  const childrenLength = arguments.length - 2;
  if (childrenLength === 1) {
    props.children = children;
  } else if (childrenLength > 1) {
    const childArray = Array(childrenLength);
    for (let i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {
      childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];
    if (__DEV__) {
      if (Object.freeze) {
    props.children = childArray;

  // Resolve default props
  if (type && type.defaultProps) {
    const defaultProps = type.defaultProps;
    for (propName in defaultProps) {
      if (props[propName] === undefined) {
        props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];
  if (__DEV__) {
    if (key || ref) {
      const displayName =
        typeof type === 'function'
          ? type.displayName || type.name || 'Unknown'
          : type;
      if (key) {
        defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);
      if (ref) {
        defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);
  return ReactElement(

这里我们用chrome跟下源码(我用的是React Developer Tools,是chrome的一个插件,具体用法可以参考:这里。 示例程序在Repo.

在这里加断点: ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('root')); 运行之后的Call Stack信息: image 点击图中的红框中的箭头,跳到下一个函数调用,来到下面这个函数:

function createElementWithValidation(type, props, children) {
      var validType = isValidElementType(type); // We warn in this case but don't throw. We expect the element creation to
      // succeed and there will likely be errors in render.

      if (!validType) {
        var info = '';

        if (type === undefined || typeof type === 'object' && type !== null && Object.keys(type).length === 0) {
          info += ' You likely forgot to export your component from the file ' + "it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.";

        var sourceInfo = getSourceInfoErrorAddendum(props);

        if (sourceInfo) {
          info += sourceInfo;
        } else {
          info += getDeclarationErrorAddendum();

        var typeString = void 0;

        if (type === null) {
          typeString = 'null';
        } else if (Array.isArray(type)) {
          typeString = 'array';
        } else if (type !== undefined && type.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) {
          typeString = '<' + (getComponentName(type.type) || 'Unknown') + ' />';
          info = ' Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?';
        } else {
          typeString = typeof type;

        warning$1(false, 'React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for ' + 'built-in components) or a class/function (for composite ' + 'components) but got: %s.%s', typeString, info);

      //这里用到了js function的apply方法,不知道怎么用的话请看这篇[教程]
     // 这里this跟进去看是个React对象(为什么,我还没想明白,希望有知道的大神能解释一下,也就是createElement这个函数执行的上下文是在React对象中
      var element = createElement.apply(this, arguments); // The result can be nullish if a mock or a custom function is used.
      // TODO: Drop this when these are no longer allowed as the type argument.

      if (element == null) {
        return element;
      } // Skip key warning if the type isn't valid since our key validation logic
      // doesn't expect a non-string/function type and can throw confusing errors.
      // We don't want exception behavior to differ between dev and prod.
      // (Rendering will throw with a helpful message and as soon as the type is
      // fixed, the key warnings will appear.)

      if (validType) {
        for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
          validateChildKeys(arguments[i], type);

      if (type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) {
      } else {

      return element;


function createElement(type, config, children) {
      var propName = void 0; // Reserved names are extracted

      var props = {};
      var key = null;
      var ref = null;
      var self = null;
      var source = null;

      if (config != null) {
        if (hasValidRef(config)) {
          ref = config.ref;

        if (hasValidKey(config)) {
          key = '' + config.key;

        self = config.__self === undefined ? null : config.__self;
        source = config.__source === undefined ? null : config.__source; // Remaining properties are added to a new props object

        for (propName in config) {
          if (hasOwnProperty.call(config, propName) && !RESERVED_PROPS.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {
            props[propName] = config[propName];
      } // Children can be more than one argument, and those are transferred onto
      // the newly allocated props object.

      var childrenLength = arguments.length - 2;

      if (childrenLength === 1) {
        props.children = children;
      } else if (childrenLength > 1) {
        var childArray = Array(childrenLength);

        for (var i = 0; i < childrenLength; i++) {
          childArray[i] = arguments[i + 2];

          if (Object.freeze) {
        props.children = childArray;
      } // Resolve default props

      if (type && type.defaultProps) {
        var defaultProps = type.defaultProps;

        for (propName in defaultProps) {
          if (props[propName] === undefined) {
            props[propName] = defaultProps[propName];

        if (key || ref) {
          var displayName = typeof type === 'function' ? type.displayName || type.name || 'Unknown' : type;

          if (key) {
            defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);

          if (ref) {
            defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName);
      return ReactElement(type, key, ref, self, source, ReactCurrentOwner.current, props);

至此,App元素创建完毕,见下图: image

继续下一个函数调用,来到了这里,看来要对App元素进行渲染了,这里并非真实浏览器渲染,而是加入到virtual DOM里面(真的是这样吗?带着这个问题,继续看):

render: function render(element, container, callback) {
        !isValidContainer(container) ? invariant(false, 'Target container is not a DOM element.') : void 0;
          !!container._reactHasBeenPassedToCreateRootDEV ? warningWithoutStack$1(false, 'You are calling ReactDOM.render() on a container that was previously ' + 'passed to ReactDOM.%s(). This is not supported. ' + 'Did you mean to call root.render(element)?', enableStableConcurrentModeAPIs ? 'createRoot' : 'unstable_createRoot') : void 0;
        return legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer(null, element, container, false, callback);


function legacyRenderSubtreeIntoContainer(parentComponent, children, container, forceHydrate, callback) {
      } // TODO: Without `any` type, Flow says "Property cannot be accessed on any
      // member of intersection type." Whyyyyyy.

      var root = container._reactRootContainer;

      if (!root) {
        // Initial mount,
       // 如果reactRootContainer不存在,那么创建一个,其实是创建了一个FiberNode
        root = container._reactRootContainer = legacyCreateRootFromDOMContainer(container, forceHydrate);

        if (typeof callback === 'function') {
          var originalCallback = callback;

          callback = function callback() {
            var instance = getPublicRootInstance(root._internalRoot);
        } // Initial mount should not be batched.

        unbatchedUpdates(function () {
          if (parentComponent != null) {
            root.legacy_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(parentComponent, children, callback);
          } else {
            root.render(children, callback);
      } else {
        if (typeof callback === 'function') {
          var _originalCallback = callback;

          callback = function callback() {
            var instance = getPublicRootInstance(root._internalRoot);

        } // Update

        if (parentComponent != null) {
          root.legacy_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(parentComponent, children, callback);
        } else {
          root.render(children, callback);

      return getPublicRootInstance(root._internalRoot);

legacyCreateRootFromDOMContainer函数最终调用的是new了一个FiberNode, react-fiber的具体内容可参考这里

function FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode) {
      // Instance
      this.tag = tag;
      this.key = key;
      this.elementType = null;
      this.type = null;
      this.stateNode = null; // Fiber

      this.return = null;
      this.child = null;
      this.sibling = null;
      this.index = 0;
      this.ref = null;
      this.pendingProps = pendingProps;
      this.memoizedProps = null;
      this.updateQueue = null;
      this.memoizedState = null;
      this.contextDependencies = null;
      this.mode = mode; // Effects

      this.effectTag = NoEffect;
      this.nextEffect = null;
      this.firstEffect = null;
      this.lastEffect = null;
      this.expirationTime = NoWork;
      this.childExpirationTime = NoWork;
      this.alternate = null;

      if (enableProfilerTimer) {
        // Note: The following is done to avoid a v8 performance cliff.
        // Initializing the fields below to smis and later updating them with
        // double values will cause Fibers to end up having separate shapes.
        // This behavior/bug has something to do with Object.preventExtension().
        // Fortunately this only impacts DEV builds.
        // Unfortunately it makes React unusably slow for some applications.
        // To work around this, initialize the fields below with doubles.
        // Learn more about this here:
        // https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/14365
        // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=8538
        this.actualDuration = Number.NaN;
        this.actualStartTime = Number.NaN;
        this.selfBaseDuration = Number.NaN;
        this.treeBaseDuration = Number.NaN; // It's okay to replace the initial doubles with smis after initialization.
        // This won't trigger the performance cliff mentioned above,
        // and it simplifies other profiler code (including DevTools).

        this.actualDuration = 0;
        this.actualStartTime = -1;
        this.selfBaseDuration = 0;
        this.treeBaseDuration = 0;

        this._debugID = debugCounter++;
        this._debugSource = null;
        this._debugOwner = null;
        this._debugIsCurrentlyTiming = false;
        this._debugHookTypes = null;

        if (!hasBadMapPolyfill && typeof Object.preventExtensions === 'function') {

可以看到FiberNode里面有child return sibling三个属性,相当从一个FiberNode 可以找到它的子节点,父节点和兄弟节点。

看了这么多,是不是有点乱?没关系,先小结一下: React的入口是ReactDom.render(element, container, callback), render 之前,babel compiler 会调用createElement函数,将Component | Function 和HTML tag转换成一个ReactElement Object。 然后根据element 和 container 创建ReactRoot对象其中包含了FiberNode节点。然后调用ReactRoot.render函数,然后通过reconciller 进行调度,最终调用真实的renderer进行渲染(这个暂且不论,有兴趣的可以看下React16源码之React Fiber架构)。


foreverwang commented 2 years ago

this 是react 的原因很简单,因为是React. createElementWithValidation 调用的