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Price ID tag #1

Open fopinappb opened 3 weeks ago

fopinappb commented 3 weeks ago


This section does not cover the price id field that is shown in the screenshots.

Price ID is also mentioned in https://docs.subwallet.app/main/extension-user-guide/customize-your-networks#import-networks but no information how to set it either.

Where do we find the available price IDs for some token? What is the pricing source?

I've tried names from coinmarketcap for a token I added (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/pluton/) and it doesn't work, token disappears from my wallet list.

It would be nice to document how to find these.

fopina commented 2 weeks ago

I’ve just found https://github.com/Koniverse/SubWallet-Extension/blob/master/packages/extension-base/src/services/price-service/coingecko.ts

I think it would be useful to add that to the docs, next to price id mention;

how to get the price ID: