Koniverse / SubWallet-Mobile

SubWallet is the comprehensive non-custodial wallet solution for Polkadot, Substrate & Ethereum ecosystems
Apache License 2.0
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A bug of history filter #1345

Closed mezrin closed 4 months ago

mezrin commented 4 months ago

Case 1 - no filters are used. All works correctly

Case 2 - "Send tokens" selected. All works correctly

Case 3 - "Successful" selected. All works correctly

Case 4 - "Send tokens" and "Successful" selected. As you can see on the screenshots below, some events are displayed twice. To be precise: if an event matches both conditions "Send tokens" & "Successful" - it's displayed two times.

P.S. It would be great to visually separate the filter of event type (send receive NFT stake claim) and the status of transaction (successful failed).

saltict commented 4 months ago

Hi @mezrin, we really appreciate your feedback.

In the near future, we also have a roadmap to further improve the History feature. I will add your suggestions to these tasks.

Have a nice day!

mezrin commented 4 months ago

@saltict Hi. Good to know that! :)

We are currently working on a Substrate-based chain for games. SubWallet looks really good and provides great support for tokens and especially NFTs. So it’s becoming the wallet of choice for us - we will recommend SubWallet to the users of our chain when we release it.

Meybe we even will come up with the PRs&improvements to the wallet in the coming weeks :) Lets keep in touch

saltict commented 4 months ago

@mezrin, I also look forward to receiving contributions from the community and great developers like you.